Chapter 55

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I feel my body being pulled into the vision. There is fire everywhere, my eyes scan my surroundings, but I cant see anything through the flames. I try to walk forward.

I cry out as the flames lick my skin.

This is a vision, how am I being hurt?

"The flames are just as real as you, princess, except when this vision ends you will leave this place.. though those burns will stay.."

"What do you mean? Where are you?" I say, trying to find the voice.

"I'm inside of your head, you see this place will not allow me to enter.. as i said before I am life and Death.. I am not the after life.. you see, some come here, when Mother of Terra sees fit, they must stand in a small circle while these flames surround them. If they move the flames caress their bodies until they faint then they wake up and start again. Now are you ready to see the other Afterlife?"

I nod, and suddenly the flames leave my body. I blink in the sudden soft light.

Everything is so beautiful, I feel the soft grass below my feet, and I smell the luxurious aroma of the flowers around me.

I see many different creatures, some flying and others are scampering around the forrest floor.

"This is where the mother of Terra brings everyone who helped our world be a better place.."

I turn and find a tall man standing across from me. He looks like my father, but far to young to be him.

"Who are you?" I say, and he cocks his head at me.

"Who do you see?" The man says, and I become confused.

"You look exactly like my father?.." I ask the man questioning him. He smirks, and suddenly I realize there are sudden differences between him and my father.

"You see it now, I can tell.. although I know you won't know my name, there are only two people that know about me..." He says, his voice not hiding the hint of sadness.

"Are you my father's twin?" I whisper, but the man's face lights up as he hears it.

"Yes, sweet Ava, you see, I died the same way your brother had.. though it was of no fault of my mother, she loved both of us. And it was not your fault that Lee didn't make it past his first few moments of life." He says, and my heart swells with emotion.

"You've been here alone all this time?" I ask, he gives me a sad smile.

"You see, before I was born destiny had a plan for me. She had planned for me to be the keeper of this beautiful place."

"But then who is the keeper of the flames?" I ask, and his eyes sadden.

"He has not came yet, his time isn't up.." his words make my body alert.

"Who?" I ask, but everything goes dark.

"Ava! What the hell happened, your arms are burned?!" I hear a male voice say.

I slowly peel my eyes open, and notice everyone staring at me. Eric was on one side of me, and Aiden the other.

I felt something shift under my head and realized that Ty was holding me against him. His hands caressing my burned arms, I can feel him doing his best to heal me.

"I need to see my father..." I manage to choke out.

I try to get up, but Ty holds me back just a moment.

"I saw everything you saw... I don't think you should mention to your father the last part.." Ty whispers, I look around at Eric and Aiden. They didn't seem to hear.

I look up at him, and nod as he slowly helps me up. My arms are still burning, though much less than before.

"Ava, let's get you to your father.." Theo says, his eyes fall to someone beside me.

"Mother of Terra! Lee?" Theo's face shows so many emotions.

"We don't have time, father, we need to get Ava and Lee to their father.." I hear Aiden say, he steps up beside me. Theo looks between us, his eyes softening before he corrects himself.

We hurry out of the room, I feel emotions swirling through me. I look behind me and my eyes meet Ty's, his eyes hold something there, and I have to make myself look away.

When we exit the Guards wing, we come out directly in front of the wing that holds my room. I stop, something tells me to go to my room. Everyone stops, looking at me for an answer.

"Go on ahead, there is something I need to do.." I say, my voice not quite my own. Aiden, Eric, and Ty all meet eachothers eyes.

"I'll go with her, you two need to take Lee to their father.." Ty says, the look hesitant until Violet, and Elle pull them away. I feel Ty walk up beside me, and his presence calms me.

"Come Ava, I won't let anything hurt you.." he whispers as we reach my door. He slowly pushes it open, and I step through. There is something different about me room.

It's not mine, I notice the familiar bed,  and books.

It's Ty's room, I turn to him and notice a deeper shimmer on his dazzling cheeks.

"Where is my room?" I say quietly, he walks up to me and his hands rests gently against my cheek. His fingers trace their way down to my burns.

"A bit of magic, mixed with my essence.. I need to heal you properly, though I need water from my room to do so... I didn't think my magic would pull you, but it seems you are more attached to me than I thought.." He smiles slyly, as he pulls a door open in the rocks. I notice a pool of water, and he motions me inside the room.

"I'm one of the few of my people who have one of these in their room. I knew I would need it, so the queen sought to it that I would have it.." Ty says, his voice showing slight embarrassment.

"For what?" I ask, my voice seeming distant in the cavernous room.

"To heal the future queen of Terra, you see to heal more severe wounds, my people must be fully submerged in the water we live in, with the injured, with out any foreign objects.." Ty says, his face turning shades deeper.

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