Chapter 57

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"Come, my daughter, our guest has requested your presence.. the others and I will leave you, you are safe with them.." My father says, I look to the shadowy figure.

As my father ushers everyone out of the throne room the figure takes form of someone.

"Mother of Terra?!" I gasp, the woman in front of me is the most beautiful person I have ever seen.

"Hello, my child.. I have disguised myself as a friend, one of the wanderers of Terra. I have a great deal of news for you, sweet girl." Her voice is a whisper on the breeze.

"What news?" I ask, still in awe of the being in front of me.

"A war is coming sweet child, one only you can end, many lives are at stake, many will be lost. You have three great warriors, but life can leave ant any time. If one dies, part of you will too. You see, you have an essence I could not reveal to you until now.. that is why your link has broken through with the boy of the water.. my sister has a plan for you all, though there are many ways to achieve it, I can not help you choose. I can only prepare you for the essence that has been created inside of you.."

"What do you mean? Inside of me? Isn't all of my essence inside of me?" I ask, my words wavering.

"I am dying sweet girl, Terra will die along with me, but you, you will help Terra be reborn. Though you must protect it with your life. And you must bring the war to an end, when you do Destiny will come to you. In a world unseen, the answer you will seek.."

Before I can say anything else, she disappears without a trace.

"Winter, where are you?" I whisper, I exit through a side door in the throne room, and I can hear the voices of everyone. I walk the opposite direction, and find my way to the exit. As soon as I reach the courtyard, I head for the wall. I find an easy patch to climb, and I am quickly lifting myself over the wall. I feel my foot catch, and soon I am falling. Before I can scream, I feel my back connect with a smooth yet rough surface.

"You called, princess?" I look up, and realize I am laying on Winter's stomach.

"I needed a friend... one that could take me somewhere.." I say, soon they will be out looking for me..

"Where to?" He says, gently rolling over, my feet hit the soft grass.

"Take me to the birth place of my mother..." I say, Winter eyes me strangely.

"As you wish, princess." He says, I climb onto his back finding a comfortable place. Soon Winter takes off, his body far faster than the last nyx I encountered. I look around, noticing the scenery flashing by.

After what feels like hours we begin to slow.

"We are here.." Winter says, his voice a low rumble.

"What is the matter?" I say, I begin to slide down from his back. He swings a giant clawed paw back to stop me.

"I don't think we should stay here.." he growls, I look around, at first I don't notice anything strange.

I look closer, and realize there are people standing all around us.

Though, they aren't exactly alive.

There are figures everywhere, but they are completely see through. They look exactly like water, and they all are staring right at us.

I reach for my sword, and let out a small breath as my hand connects with it.

"It looks like the witch put a curse on this place.. this used to be a small colony, made up of the others and the water spirits. Now I see that she cursed the water spirits, and they turned on the others."

"Why would they do that?"

"Because your mother hated her people, because they had told her to marry the king.. you see I had brought your father here though they did not see me, your mother had a horrible argument before she left. She told the witch do her worst, and apparently she thought this was necessary."

I feel a coldness on my leg, and realize it is a water spirit.

"I need to help them.." I say, sliding off of winter.

They all begin to walk towards me, I let my essence flow, and at first the water spirits begin to flinch away.

"It is ok, I do not want to bring harm to your people. I want to help you all." My words are like snowflakes falling. The water spirits twitch, and soon it is as if they have been taken over by an evil entity. They begin to race towards me, I can feel their anger.

"Princess, watch out!" Winter yells, his words are distant as the spirits pull at me.

I let my essence flow outward, and I hear lightning crack in the distance.

"I will make you pure again.." I say, I feel them cover me, I feel my body radiating my essence. Winter flinches from the brightness, but soon the water spirits pull me into the pond nearby.

I gasp for air, and water enters my lungs.

I take all of my essence and force out the words.

In a world unseen, let them be free!

I close my eyes as I feel a blinding pain.

The world goes dark, and I can feel myself being lifted out of the water.

"Princess?!" I hear a distant voice say, but soon I only feel the darkness.

I don't go anywhere in the darkness, I only feel my body resting.

After a moment I slowly begin to open my eyes.

"Princess, I was beginning to think you were dead.." Winter whispers, he nuzzles me with his snout.

"I am ok, what happened though?" I ask, slowly lifting myself off the ground.

"You broke their curse.." his voice doesn't hide the shock in his voice.

I look around, and see all of the water spirits.

Some are sobbing, others are holding eachother.

"Now, I need them to tell me about my mother.."

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