Chapter 41

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Her eyes are terrified as she realizes I killed the man who was holding her. I'm not sure if she is frightened from the man's intent, or from the fact that I killed him and now she is covered in his blood.

"When one of our kind are banished, anyone from our world that come in contact with us can take us down. Normally we avoid it, but in this case, it was our only choice.." I say, and I can see her trembling, and my heart hurts as she is pulled into Aiden's arms. I won't tell her that it was his idea..

I am her guardian, I will kill anyone who tries to bring harm to our future queen.

My future queen.

I shake the thought from my head as I quickly wipe the blood from my blade and make sure no one has seen anything. Luckily everyone is to drunk or high to notice what has happened, so I leave his body.

Someone will dispose of it, surely thinking it was a drug deal gone wrong.

Aiden motions for me to hurry, and I quickly put my sword back in my belt and return to the sidewalk.

We are almost to the safe house, and Ava hasn't even glanced at me. My heart hurts, emotionally and physically as I wish for her to just look at me once so I know she understands that I did what I had to do.

As if reading my mind, I see her peak back at me, and my heart nearly leaps out of my chest at the small glance.

I feel a wave of emotion from her, and it is over powering, and for a moment I feel like a dog who has been given a steak. I can't hide the smile that stretches across my face, and she blushes as she quickly turns her head back around.

I feel like I am even more alive as we finally reach the safe house. Aiden quickly knocks on the door, and soon an elderly woman I almost don't recognize opens the door. She ushers us in quickly, and looks shocked when she sees my face.

She closes the door behind us, and mutters something before the door glows with a seal.

Before the woman can say anything Ava runs into her arms. The woman holds her tightly, and I realize why they are so close.

Violet was the only family Ava knew her whole life, even though they are not family, Violet treated Ava as her own child, loving and caring for her like a true mother would.

"I've missed you my dear.." Violet says into Ava's hair.

"I've missed you so much grandmo- I mean Violet.." Ava corrects herself. Even though Violet took care of Ava from a young age, she is not allowed to believe she is anything more than a guardian to Ava.

Though she had to play with the title of grandmother due to Ava being put through school.

Ava backs up, and I can see fresh tears in her eyes.

"My grandchildren, both here.." Violet says, and Lily and Aiden go to her. They do not hug her like Ava, they were not raised with her. Due to her being forced to be Ava's guardian. But they are still happy to see her.

"Grandmother I have someone I want you to meet.." Lily says, and quickly pulls my brother to her side. "This is Adriel, we are linked.."

Lily beams as Violet congratulates her and my brother.

Violet is introduced to Ty next and they hit it off instantly. Next her eyes fall on me, and I know why she has waited so long to notice me.

"I never thought I would see you on the right side.. I was worried you would forever follow your father and Scarlett.. I'm glad to see you come to your senses.." she says, and without warning pulls me into a hug. The shock is clear on my face as she nearly cuts off my air flow.

"I know about the link.." she whispers in my ear before pulling away. I quickly glance at Ava, and she alerts my gaze.

Little tattle tale.

"So there is still a couple hours before Eric has to leave with Ava, but I have prepared a meal for everyone, and I want everyone to wash up first, Ava honey, I have some of your clothes from the old house. You can clean up and get changed.." she begins hurrying herself with everything and I can feel someone staring at me, I look up and find Aiden looking at me.

He motions for me to follow him, and I do. He take me into what looks like some type of office.

"I need you to make me a promise.." Aiden says as soon as the door is closed.

"What is that?" I ask, curious as to what he might request.

"Do not be cruel to her, I know you might be forced to harm her as a way to show your alliance to them, but please if you can, do not hurt her.. I'm going to be very ill being away from her, and if they force you to hurt her then I won't be of any use to anyone if I am also being hurt on top of being ill. And I don't want to have to hurt you as soon as I see you again.." Aiden says, slightly rambling.

"I won't let them force me to hurt her, and if I have no other choice but to hurt her in some way, I'll make sure I do not lay a hand on her, I would never lay a finger on her. I have thought this through, and I know what I have to do to also her her safe." I say, and he seems slightly satisfied with my answer.

We both leave the room, and go to clean ourselves up for our possibly last decent meal for a while.

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