Chapter 60

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I feel my body moving on it's on as I begin to run towards the three boys riding towards me. I only stop in my tracks when I notice the very angry man riding alongside them.

As if also noticing his anger, Winter comes to my side. Placing himself between me, and my father.

"Winter, my old friend, you act as if I would harm my own daughter." My father says, his voice sounding only slightly hurt.

"You might want to inform the guards, that he is my guardian. They were trying to attack him, and I do not take kindly to anyone harming my friends." I say, my father rolls his eyes, and I can't hide the smirk that plays on my lips.

"We need to get back to the castle, we all need rest, and I need to have a word with all of you.." my father says, he begins to turn around, and I feel Winter nudge me.

"I will bring you back tomorrow, princess, but for tonight we should get you home.." he whispers, I place my head against his large muzzle. I quickly climb up his back and seat my self. I look up at the boys, and my eyes  meet Aiden's. I can see hurt in them, but the love I find there is far stronger. I drag my gaze to Eric, at first his eyes don't quite meet mine, but when they do the love I find is overwhelming. I look down at the rough scales of Winter's back before bringing my eyes up to meet Ty's.

They are shining, and I realize he has been crying. I reach out with my emotions, and feel his come crashing into me. I open my self and feel all of their emotions, I notice the glow as it starts in my chest and spreads outward. I look up at them, they have started glowing as well. I shake myself out of the trance, and nudge Winter. He takes off quickly, and I barely hear the boys speeding behind me.

By the time we make it back to the castle, I am lying against Winter doing my best to stay awake.

The night is creeping up on us quickly, I feel Winter stop just outside the courtyard gates.

"This is where I leave you, princess, I shall see you soon." Winter says, I slide off his back, and run a hand under his chin.

"Be safe my friend.." I say, I walk to the gates, and turn to watch him disappear into the dark forest.

"So when were you going to tell us you we had competition?" Eric says, pointing towards the forest.

I laugh lightly, and see a smile creep up on their faces.

Eric offers me a hand, and I take it as he pulls me up onto the back of his horse.

I feel slight unease from the others, but ignore it. I haven't felt sick ever since Ty, and I linked, so it has been much easier ever since. I could feel all of the emotions while I was gone, and I realized that I could almost communicate through them. I know something was said while I was gone, and I intend to make whoever hurt Ty apologize for it.

As we make our way to the stables, I notice Fatalia, and my father. They are arguing, and as we approach I can hear their words.

"I will not stand back, and let you attempt to cut the link because he is a healer! He did not choose this path, destiny chose this path for him! You will be putting him to death if you sever his link! Ava will not die because she has two other links!" Fatalia booms.

"What will happen to her when he makes the sacrifice?! You don't have an answer for that do you, dear sister? You were not linked to Dominick, when he gave his sacrifice you were not tied to him, so you don't know what could happen to her!!" My father is anything, but graceful as he yells at his sister.

"How dare you bring him into this?! We didn't need to be linked to love eachother! I'm sorry that you never got that! But don't kill a boy for something he can not help!" I see the tears falling from Fatalia's face as our horses come to a halt. Her eyes meet mine, and soften, I watch as she turns to Ty.

She walks to his horse, he quickly slides from the horse just in time to catch Fatalia as she falls. Her skin is clammy, and I watch as Ty lifts her. I slide off the horse, and rush to his side.

"Ty, is she going to be ok?" I ask, he looks at me seriously.

"I will need your help, this healing will be alot harder, because the queen refuses the proper healing procedure..  I will need to borrow your hands." He says, I turn to look at my father, his eyes shining with concern.

I turn, and follow Ty into the castle. He takes her to the nearest room, he mumbles something quickly, and when he opens the door there is a large cavern like room. There is a large body of water in the center of the room, and about a half of a dozen other people around the water. They look up quickly, and rush to help Ty. The women instantly start pulling at the Queens clothes, Ty looks to me for help, and I quickly do my best to take her from his hands. She is heavy, but far lighter than I would have thought. Within seconds I am helping the women lower her into the water. I turn to Ty, and see that he is now almost completely unclothed. The only thing hiding the most sacred of parts a thin pair of underwear. I blush instantly, and realize my blush didn't go unnoticed.

"I need you to be like me, the clothed parts of us with be on the stone, the women will be in there with her so we can do our work from the rock. She will not let any man touch her so we can only touch the water, thats why I need you to help boost the essence. I know you can heal, so I need you to help me." He lays on the rocks, and I slide down beside him. I place my hands in the water and let my essence flow outward. The water begins to glow as all of our essences combine. After a few minutes, I begin to worry that we were to late.

"I want all of the men out of here, and if I find that any of you saw me unclothed I will have you all beheaded." I hear Fatalia say, Ty gives me a look before pulling me up and throwing my clothes at me. We dress quickly and rush out of the room.

"Is she ok?" I hear my father say, I turn to find him sitting against the floor by the door.

"She will be fine.." Ty says, he drops his eyes to the floor instantly. I feel anger rise inside of me, and I turn to my father.

"We need to talk."

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