Chapter 15

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I wake up to the sound of someone breathing behind me. I immediately panic, and sling my elbow back. I feel it connect with something as the person behind me gasps.

"Ava! That hurts!-" the person behind me stands up, and I turn over and remember the person standing in front of me.

"Ty! I'm so sorry.. I panicked.." I hide my face, and he chuckles lightly. I look up at him, and he still doesn't have a shirt on. I feel my face heating up, and he turns his back to me to find another shirt. The words on his back hits me like a punch to the gut. I can't look away, as my anger boils. My mother done this to him, and it is all my fault. I feel my body start to heat up, and suddenly I hear a loud crack. I stand up as I look at the ceiling. There is a giant crack in the stone, I find Ty staring at me. He is looking directly at my eyes.

"Did I do that?.." I ask quietly, looking at my hands that are almost glowing.

"Yes, Ava we need to get you to Fatalia-" he starts to say as the door flies open. Vixie runs into the room clearly out of breath.

"We have company.." she manages to get out, before we hear yelling through the corridor. A couple of the voices sound very familiar.

"Oh no.." I say, running out of the room.

"Let go of me damn it!" I hear Eric yell.

"We aren't here to hurt anyone!" I hear Aiden say.

I keep running through the corridor, Ty and Vixie are right behind me. As I turn the corner I see the two boys being carried into the conference chamber. Before I can stop them the door shuts, blocking me from trying to keep the two boys out of trouble.

"They are here for me, I need to get in there.." I say, but the two standing behind me ignore me. The door in front of me is pure stone, it has to be atleast a foot thick. It probably weighs over a thousand pounds. I start to hammer my fists against the stone, knowing it will have no effect. I start to remember the anger I felt earlier. I feel my body heat up again, and soon my hands start glowing again. I looking at the stone door in front of me and try to concentrate on it. I can feel the floor vibrating under me, and I hear Vixie gasp.

Soon the door in front of me starts to slowly crumble like ash. I lock eyes with the woman sitting at the head of the table. Her eyes slowly widen, I then realize that the two boys are both on their knees with long Crystal swords against their throats.

"LET THEM GO!" A voice booms through the the room. It's terrifying, but also angelic. It takes a few minutes before I realize that it is my voice. I step into the room, and stand in front of the woman.

"I can't let these trespassers go, darling, they will kill us.. especially the half breed.." Fatalia scowls at Eric as she says this.

"You will let them go, they mean no harm to anyone. They were here to find me and take me to my father." I say sternly, my voice still unrecognizable. She eyes me carefully, searching for anything that is slightly weak. I don't not waiver as she looks down on me.

"Let them go.." she waves a hand dismissively at the men holding Aiden and Eric. "Ava, darling, if you had not been my blood I would have killed you.. These two are not taking you alone. Ty will go with you, he is a great protector."

"We can take care-" Aiden started to say but a lightning bolt cuts him off as it crashes on the ground beside him.

"You will speak when spoken to. I'm releasing you now. I will send some supplies with you all on your journey. You have a long road ahead of you my dear." She smiles at me, "Oh, and do tell my brother I miss him"

"I will.." I say my voice slightly coming back to normal. I turn and leave the room. I can hear Aiden and Eric following me, and Ty meets me in the corridor.

"No one has ever talked to her like that.." Ty looks at me as if I have two heads.

"Well it's time someone did. Now can we get ready so we can go?" I ask Ty, my head is beginning to hurt. I turn and look at Aiden, he isn't looking at me, instead he is looking at the guy standing beside me.

"Um.. can I have a minute to talk to Aiden?" I say to Eric and Ty, they both want to refuse but instead they walk into a room and wait.

"Aiden what is wrong?" I ask, I'm glad to see him surprisingly.

"Something doesn't feel right.. I feel like I am in a competition now. As to who is going to get you there the safest way.." he almost looks like a child pouting, and I can't help but chuckle.

"We are going together, so suck it up buttercup." I start to turn, but he spins me back around.

"I will give you my last breath if I have to.." his eyes are burning with raw emotion, and his hands make my skin tingle. I can't keep your heart from beating out of my chest. I look down at my hands, they are glowing like his. It's not a blinding glow, but a soft one that almost blends with the glow of his. I look back up at him, and before I realize it he has went back to being the jerk.

"We need to hurry, let's go.." he says walking in to the room in front of us.

I shake my head, trying to shake the feelings I just felt. I can't stop thinking about what just happened. I step into the room behind Aiden, and my jaw drops.

"That's is a lot of swords.." I can't hide the amazement in my voice.

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