Chapter 63

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I lay in the giant room that is now mine. It feels so weird being in a body after being stuck inside my twins mind. I can't seem to sleep, it's like this body is full of energy.

I decide to get dressed, they told me I would find clothes in the closet so I go there first. I find a tshirt that kind of reminds me of the workout gear that kids used to wear at my sisters school.  I grab what I need from the closet, and go into my bathroom. It will be the first time I've ever had a shower. I look at all the natural soaps waiting to be used. I turn the water on, and hot water sprays from a natural looking pipe. I grin as I step into the water, and my body warms entirely.

After an hour, I finally decide im ready to get out. I smell like a forest on a warm summer day. I brush my teeth, and quickly get dressed. My raven black hair is short but messy, I brush it quickly before I pull on some extremely cool boots. I smile at myself as I realize I look pretty awesome. I look alot like our father, and I'm very thankful for it.

I dont want to look like my mother whatsoever.

I leave my room, and realize I have no idea where I am really. I decide to just explore. Its still dark outside, so the hall is lit with lanterns. I notice pictures on the walls that are of people I have never seen. I can only assume they are the people that came before us. I walk a little further and notice a girl dusting some of the things in the hall. She is gorgeous, her hair is the brightest red I've ever seen.  She is a bit shorter than alot of the others I have seen.

"Hello there.." I say, not realizing I actually spoke. She turns to me, a bit jumpy.

"Oh! So sorry your majesty! I'll clean this when your not around! My apologies!" She stammers, turning to hurry away.

"Wait! Please!" She stops, turning to me, her eyes on the floor, "I was just hoping to talk to you.. I haven't really been granted the warmest welcome myself. I may be my fathers son, but due to not having any powers, or whatever you want to call them. No one really acts as if I'm here.."

I realize my words are true, they came on their own, but since I've arrived I've been in my room. I didn't like the stares I received from the people, I knew they didn't accept me as their own, they only tolerated me because I was the prince.

"You're majesty, I do understand, I am a half breed, the only reason I am here.. is because my father loved my mother, before she died that is. Then he brought me here, and the king accepted me, but the people were outraged, so I live a life of a servant. It's not a bad way to live, but I'm never meant to speak to anyone. So please don't tell anyone I spoke to you, I will be banished.." she whispers hurriedly, her eyes searching the halls.

"I would never do anything to get you banished, I sincerely just want to get to know you.." I finally get to see her eyes, one is gold with flecks of green, and the other the opposite, "you are so beautiful.."

Her eyes look shocked, and she clutches her chest for a moment.

"How can this be?" She says, her body relaxes only for a moment, we both hear foot steps coming towards us quickly. Before we can react, I see the shimmery guy walking towards us. His head is down, and he is mumbling to himself. He stops as he almost runs into us, his face shocked to see us.

"My apologies, I was on my way out.." he looks at the girl in front of me, and smiles, "oh! I see you found your link! That is fantastic!"

She blushes, I look at him confused.

"Sorry Lee, you see, due to you being human, you can not feel but an attraction to her, but for her, she now feels as your other half. She feels your emotions, your pain, your love.." his eyes grow distant, "I won't tell anyone I can tell you are a half blood, and I assume you go through a lot to live amongst the others. Your secret is safe with me dear girl. I'll see you soon, Lee, please take care of Ava for me."

With that he walks away, leaving me stunned, the beautiful girl in front of me is looking down.

"What's your name?" I ask, I reach for her hand, as my fingers touch hers I can feel it. My body goes rigid, my vision becomes shaky, my breathing quickens.

"My name is Willo, a-are you okay? Let's take you to your father, something is wrong.. I can feel it.." she says, her hand wraps around mine, her eyes growing worried by the second as she begins pulling my down the hall.

My body is tingling, my skin feels off. I don't know how far I've gone as I am pulled along. I can hear my heart beat, I can feel my blood pumping.

I hear my sisters voice, but can't understand her words. Suddenly, there are voices all around me, but the only thing I can focus on is the soft skin of the hand pulling me around. She stops, forcing me to lay down on a bed. I look at her eyes, there are worried tears in them. I lift my fingers, gently wiping them away. She leans into my hand, and I hear people questioning her.

"Leave.. her...alone.." I say, my eyes trying to refocus. I meet my sisters eyes, and can see tears in them as well.

"Father, whats happening to him?" She cries, I can see Aiden, and Eric behind her.

"His body is being accepted by Terra, it has happened before, a very long time ago, far beyond my own birth, after a quarter of our kind was banished into the human world, a few had ventured back after they had done what Terra sees as right. They returned the essence to them, they made them one of us again.." my father said, his words were floating around my head.

"He is becoming one of us?" I hear Aiden say, my vision goes black for a moment before it slowly comes back. As if a veil has been lifted, the room looks different, finer, more detailed. I look to Willo, her beautiful eyes glow, I can feel so much now.

"He is one of us.." a beautiful voice says, before pain courses through my body, and I feel myself changing.

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