Chapter 24

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After we eat, Aiden ushers me out the front door to the castle, into the busy square.

"Ava! Hey how are you feeling?" I hear Lily say pulling Adriel with her. His face looks priceless as she nearly trips him in excitement.

But soon his face only holds love for her.

"I am doing great, I feel so refreshed, how are you?" I say, smiling at her.

"I'm doing great, I missed this big hunk of a dork.." she says smiling up at him.

"And I missed her craziness.." he says winking down at her. "We will leave you two to your day, I am taking her to the waterfall.." They both wave before walking out of the kingdom.

"You ready to head out, princess?" Aiden smiles at me. I nod smiling back at him, suddenly the emotion I was feeling slams back into my chest, and there is no pushing it away.

Within a few minutes we have left the tall walls of the kingdom, and I notice numerous small houses scattered about. Though the kingdom is huge and you can't really see it fully from the front entrance, there are more people living inside the walls than I first met. And seeing all these small houses scattered about the outside of the walls tells me there are far more than I could imagine.

"Who all lives in these houses? " I ask, looking around as we continue to walk away from the stone walls.

"The soldiers, and some of their families. Most of the women and children live inside the walls for safety, but some of the women and children refuse to leave their husbands on the outside. It is all by choice though, no one is forced to do what they do not want, but they also know to follow king Jasper, because he truly knows what's best for them. Everything he has done for the kingdom has been only to help us prosper. No one has ever been unsatisfied with the king, well maybe one.." he says quietly, and he doesn't have to say it, I know who he means.

My mother.

We walk in silence for what feels like an eternity, as we have passed the last little house a long ways ago. Now we are simply walking through the luscious green forest. I see numerous things in the forest, some I could not name, but the most beautiful one would have to be the bird like creatures, though it's body was covered in feathers shining like diamonds, and it head looked that that of a crow, it body was like a small squirrel, minus the tail.

The other creatures resembled snakes, wild cats, toads with sharp spikes, and even poisonous butterflies.

"The Butterflies, may look gentle and sweet, but they are lethal if the dust from their wings gets on you, it feels as if a vat of acid has fell on your skin.." he grimaces.

We continue for some time before we come to the edge of a meadow. As soon as we hit the grass of the opening, I feel as if my head is splitting. I fall to my knees feeling myself lurch forward, I feel Aiden grab me, but soon I am releasing the remains of my stomach.

Come to me child

I can't stop myself as my eyes roll back and the vision takes over.

I'm standing in the same meadow, and I see a woman with her back turned towards me. She looks like me, I step toward her, and she turns quickly.

It's not me, it's Scarlett, and she is pregnant.

At first I think she is looking at me until someone walks from behind me.

They are tall, and very handsome.

It's my father, he smiles at her, and she strains a smile at him.

There is no love in her eyes, only disgust.

"I can not wait till the twins are here, the kingdom will be overjoyed. I can not wait to meet our children." My father says kissing my mother lightly on the forehead.

"I believe we will have a daughter and a son.." my mother says, as if what she says is destined to be true.

"That would be lovely, though I will be more than happy no matter what." My father's face shows nothing but love.

My mother's face..

It shows pure evil..

Im brought out of the vision quickly, although it felt as if it lasted forever.

"Ava, what keeps happening, why do you keep spacing out?" Aiden holds my face between his hands running his thumbs softly against my cheeks.

"I-i keep seeing visions.. or something.. from the past.. and from the future.." I feel tears pricking my eyes.

I'm a twin?

I need to ask my father, before it's too late..


"Did I have a twin?" I blurt out," you said that you were there when I was born.. and that you were linked to me.. if you were there, then you must have seen my twin?" I begin to ramble.

Aiden's hands drop to his side, his face showing so much pain. 

"Ava, you did have a twin.. you had a brother.. you were born first, and you were so happy and healthy as soon as you were born, you didn't even cry. You just kept a smile on your face.. but when it was time for your mother to give birth to your brother, they was so much blood, my mother tried to do everything possible, but when your brother was born he came out crying, in so much pain, they laid him with you, and for just a moment he stopped crying and you both looked at eachother, then within seconds he let out one last scream, and stopped.. he stopped breathing, he stopped moving. Then you started crying.." His voice is trembling.

" I was only two years old but I remember everything, I grabbed you as soon as they took your brother, and I ran and hid with you. I could barely hold you, but you were so small. I remember hearing your mother's yells. But for a moment they didn't matter. I felt something spark deep down inside my mind, and my heart as soon as you looked into my eyes. You has stopped crying and was looking at me with such amazement, and.. love..when your father had your mother restrained he found me holding you, and they all knew.. they knew that we had been linked.."

"W-what do you mean linked?" I say my voice cracking as the tears fall.

"I mean that as soon as our eyes met we were destined to love eachother.." he says, his eyes meet mine and my heart explodes with a new flame.

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