Chapter 38

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"Let's get out of here.." my father says, he opens a door and before I can ask where we are going I am pushed out the door. I am falling for barely a minute when I make contact with a hard rocky floor. I groan in pain, my body screams at the new cuts and bruises I have quickly acquired. I feel something warm on my bottom lip, and tenderly lift my finger to it.

I pull my finger back to find blood.

"I'm sorry, but I had to find some way to give you bruises and scratches.." my father says, he extends a hand and I take it, my body protests as I try to stand.

"Are you ok princess?" Winter asks, he nuzzles my now dirty and bloody hair.

"Yea I'm ok, just sore.." I pat his head, and he gives me a look of content.

"Let's get you back to the castle before Aiden and Eric try to fight their way out of the holding room, especially when their bodies show the same scrapes and bruises." My father says walking to the nearest plain surface and opening a door.

The door is very wide, and I realize it is so that winter can go through as well.

We walk through the door and we are back outside of the castle walls, winter looks at me expectantly.

"You are free to do as you please until I need you, I will call for you although I'm not sure if you will always hear me.." I begin to question myself.

"A guardian can hear you even in the human world dear girl, I will be there in an instant when ever you call.." Winter nuzzles my head with his snout and I rub the side of his face.

"I'll see you again old friend.." my father says, Winter nods before taking off through the forest.

"What if someone tries to hurt him?" I ask, and my father smiles at me.

"The only one that could is you, and you proved today that life is more precious than death.." he says smiling at me.

We hurry into the kingdom and when I finally make my way back to Lily and Ty, Lily wraps her arms around me nearly crushing me. My body screams from all the cuts and bruises.

"Ow, ow, ow..." I say, and she eases up.

"I was worried to death about you! I thought for sure you were dead.." Lily says her voice breaking slightly.

"I'm fine I promise.." I say, and she nods wiping her eyes.

Ty quickly puts his arms around me but he is so gentle that u barely feel him.

"Don't you dare scare me like that ever again.. I may not be linked to you.. but I would still die if anything happened to you.."Ty whispers in my ear, I blush at his words.

"Ava?" I hear to people say in unison. And I feel my heart nearly jump out of my chest at the voices.

I turn and find Aiden and Eric both staring at me.

I run to them nearly tackling them both, and I feel Aiden lift me up, his arms strong around me but not painfully so. I wrap my arms around his neck, and revel in his embrace. He let's go almost to quickly, and leave me to Eric.

Eric's face looks torn, and my heart nearly shatters for him.

I quickly fall into his embrace, and he holds me so tight that I think he will never let go.

"I thought I was going to lose you..." he whispers in my ears, and I feel so much emotion in his words.

"Neither of you will lose me.." I whisper in his ear, placing my lips tenderly on his cheek. The others do not notice, but I can feel Eric's heart beat nearly triple as my lips leave his skin.

"Come now, we need to prepare you all for your trip, firstly though, you are need to get new clothes, if you show up in cloths from Terra then they will know something isn't right. Violet will give you all some money to get clothes, and you all need to shower before you go.. especially you three." My father says pointing at Eric, Aiden, and I.

He continues to tell us about what we need to do, but I lose focus as I realize I am standing between Aiden and Eric, and they both have slept their hands into mine.

My stomach turns to knots but I suffer through it until we are dismissed and I quickly let go of their hands. They both look a little hurt, until they realize they both done it.

I leave the group going back to my room, I know Aiden and Eric are behind me, their room is the same way.

After finally reaching my door the only one left in the hall with me is Aiden, Eric quickly went into his room, and now we are alone.

Aiden stop behind me, I turn to ask him if he needs anything. And he quickly pulls me to him.

He holds me tightly, and I sigh in content.

"I will come to your room once you are done with your shower.." he says letting me go and walking to his room. He winks at me before entering and shutting the door. My stomach does a million little flips. I open the door to my room, and I'm met with strong arms pulling me inside. The door shuts behind me, but before I can register what is happening I feel lips against mine.

I gasp, pain burning my lip.

Eric pulls back quickly, and apologizes.

It's then that I notice he wear the same scrapes and bruises as I do. Both of our lips have started bleeding again.

"I'm so sorry I just, I needed to do that, but I didn't mean to hurt you.." he says, and before I can say anything he goes back to his room shutting the door between our rooms.

I shake my head, trying to let my thoughts clear.

I decide the best way to do that is to shower.

I let the water run over me as I let out my emotions, and think about what's to come.

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