Chapter 18

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I feel my body tingling, as I look at my stomach bleeding slowly. I didn't think the cuts were that bad. I look up and find Ty coming towards us with Eric holding Lily up as she limps along. Ty notices my stomach, and soon he is by my side making me lie down on the soft grass. I run my hands over the grass feeling it grow underneath my fingers. I look down as Ty rest his hands over my cuts, I watch as I feel the skin tugging it's self back together.

"Thank you Ava, for saving me.." Lily says, trying to walk on her own as Eric comes to my side.

"Don't mention it.." my voice is raspy, and my body is sore. I watch Ty and Aiden as they try to clean up the blood. "How long, and how far do we have to go till I meet my father.."

"We still have a few days before we get there. And a very long journey. We have to visit a friend, so we can hopefully get a means of transportation. I do not feel like walking through Terra, especially after you killed a Nix.." Aiden laughs at the last bit he said. I look at him weird, clearly not understanding what he means.

"Any creature that would want to get in our way probably will now that they can smell Nix blood.. Just proves for a much more exciting time, well, as long as you don't get yourself hurt again." He says looking down at my now clean stomach, my face heats up as he stares a little to long.

"So can we get going now.." I say as they help me stand up.

"Oh I'm sorry would you rather have bled to death before we even made it a quarter mile?" Eric snaps. I'm not fazed though, I turn my back to him.

I can feel something pulling me, it's as if my body isn't my own as I begin to walk along the river bank.

"Does she know where she is going?" I hear Lily say behind me.

"She has never been here before I highly doubt it.." Aiden says, before he runs to catch up to me.

"Where are you going Ava?" He says, I look at him and he can see the confusion on my face.

"I don't know but something is telling me to go this way.." I run a hand across my face.

"Well you're not going on your own.." Ty yells behind us before he catches up to us.

"Aiden, um, do you remember that time you pissed off that seer, she said that one day we would find the person that would be the end, and they wouldn't need a map to find the end?" Eric whispers to Aiden, but I still hear him, "is this not connecting to you at all?"

"Eric, you can leave if you want but I am hear to make sure Ava makes it to the king. And I will serve her forever more." Aiden says sternly, making Eric fall back to walk with Lily.

"Aiden, we need to hurry.." I say before I start to run, I look around and my body is vibrating from the pulsing in my chest. I look at the scenery in front of me, and something seems off. I look at the trees, and that's when I notice it. There is a slight shimmer against one of the trees, I run towards it and come to a stop before I get to close.

"Aiden there is something here.." I look around the tree, and slowly lift my hand. 

"Ava, there isn't anything there.." Aiden watches me, I look at the tree again.

Suddenly the world around me falls away, leaving me alone in a dark forest. I look around at all the trees, they are all black and dying. I hear a scream and turn around to find an animal that almost looks a lot like a deer, but its body is covered in shimmering white scales. The animal is lying on the dark ground with blood flowing out of a deep wound close to its heart. I walk over to the animal and lean down, I bring my hand right above the wound.

I let my essence flow through me, and I can feel heat flow out of my hand. I watch as the animal wound slowly stops bleeding closing up before my eyes. The animal looks into my eyes, I feel the animals consideration as it slowly gets up and runs away. I watch the animal until it is completely out of sight, I feel something behind me.

I turn around and find a tall figure hovering behind me.

"You are finally here." the figures voice sounds like a wind chime in the middle of a storm, both beautiful and haunting.

"Who are you? and where am I?" I look up at the figure, it doesn't have a face but I feel as if the figure is smiling at me.

"My dear girl, I have been waiting a long time for you, you passed my test and I couldn't be happier. I have known how strong you are since the day you were born, I brought you into this world."

"What do you mean?"

"I am both life and death my dear, I bring the light as I also bring the dark. I am here to help you learn, I cant keep you in the darkness forever so I will only visit so often as you continue your journey. Before I let you return, I have a bit of advice for you."

"What is it?"

"Though your powers bring more death, fight it, you can make your body believe in the light of life. You can make life, although you may not realize it, you can save the others although your mother is telling you differently. The sacrifice you make will be great, but when you look into the eyes of life, you will indeed see the golden light of Terra that you have saved from destruction." I watch as the figure slowly dissipates, and soon i am thrown back into the lush vibrant life of Terra.

"Ava, what happened?" Aiden says shaking my shoulders.

"I met someone very important.." I whisper, almost thinking i must have been dreaming.

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