Chapter 45

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I blink multiple times trying to let my eyes adjust to the lighting. I realize all to quickly that it is the sun that is burning into my eyes.

"Your eyes are hideous.." I hear a girl say beside me. "I mean seriously, how could Eric even find them attractive, they change colors every few minutes.."

"Shut up Ivy, you are clearly just jealous because Eric is linked to her.. I'm surprised Scarlett didn't try to kill you when she realized that you tried to stop him from going to her, you know she would have been dead if he hadn't reached her when he did.." another voice says, I hear Ivy scoff.

"She wouldn't kill me, I'm her second in command, and plus, she never wanted her daughter anyway.. she wanted her son, but apparently this greedy bitch killed him by siphoning his essence-" Ivy is cut off by my hand around her throat, she tries to speak but I am quickly on my feet my grasp on her throat tightening every second.

"That enough.." I hear the person behind me say. I turn to look at them without letting go. "OR don't stop that's cool too.." They say, and I realize I know this person.

"Tanner?" I ask, my voice raspy.

The boy in front of bows dramatically.

"The one and only.." Tanner says, and I begin to feel uncomfortable being near him. "Please let her go she is beginning to turn purple.."

I release Ivy, and she begins to cough and sputter. She gives me a death glare before she leaves us alone.

"By the way, no hard feelings about the party? I was only doing my job.." he says, his expression looks bored, and I have to urge to kick him in his manhood.

Before I can though I hear leaves crunch behind me, there are campsites all around us, and a house in the distance, but I am sitting In a dingy make shift circle that looks like it is surrounded by herbs.

I turn to see a man behind me, he is tall and broad, his face is handsome though he has an ugliness about him, something that just doesn't set right with me, causing me to feel uneasy.

"Well, Ivy sure was wrong, you are quite the beauty.." the man says, and I hear Tanner agree beside me.

"Who are you?" I ask, holding my self like my brother told me to.

"I am Ethan, I am Eric's father, I had heard so any stories about you, but I had to come see for myself the girl who stole my son's heart out of his true loves hands.. I have to say, you resemble your mother tremendously.." he says giving me a smile, he must think that is a compliment.

I do not thank him.

"Where is Eric?" I ask, and he frowns slightly.

"Aww, do you not like our company?" He says, and for a moment it sound sincere until I see a smirk spread across his face.

"Tell me where Eric is now." I say, my voice dissolves from the normal Ava to the deadly person who will destroy anyone.

The sun quickly disappears, and lightning cracks barely a half a mile away.

"Calm down sweetie, you don't want to mess with the big dogs.." Ethan says, his voice growing cold.

"I am not scared of you..." I say, and the wind begins to pick up, and soon there is a deadly howling in the air. Lightning strikes right behind Tanner and I can see him jump beside me.

"Little girl, you must think that a little tornado can scare me... or darling no.."

He smiles as I see roots rip themselves out of the ground and try to lash out at me, but every time the get close they wither and die.

His smile fades quickly, as he see the dead earth as my feet make black prints as I step closer to him. I don't know what is happening to me, but I know he is growing terrified as the storm I am brewing grows deadly.

"I can create life, and I can take it away... don't try to play with me, you won't like the outcome.." I say, my voice is not my own as I stand face to face with Ethan. I can see him twitch as I barely move, and I smile a poisonous smile.

"Eric is in the house, he is being interrogated.." Tanner spits out quickly, he runs for shelter as I let the tornado rip through part of the rebel base. I hear shouts and cries, but I walk past Ethan.

"You can heal the wounded, but don't ever try to play with me again.." I say, as I walk of in the direction of the house.

It takes about ten minutes to get to the house, and I don't knock on the door, I quickly walk in and see a bunch of surprised faces. Some of them begin to say something, but with just a glance they all silence. I can feel my heart becoming whole again and I know I am getting closer to him. I walk down a long hallway with doors on both sides. I stop hallway down, and open a door on my left. I find a decently sized room holding a single chair, with a bruised and still bloody Eric.

There are two people in the room, one is a very terrified Ivy, and the other is my mother. My mother smiles at me, but not with love, more of satisfaction.

"I knew my child would be a weapon.. oh how glorious this is, to finally have such a devilish weapon.." she coos, and it makes me sick to see her so happy. I lift up my hand and it glows with dark flames, I realize that my body is made up of flames but instead of the color I had seen before, now the flames are black.

"Let Eric go... or I will destroy this entire base.." I say, her smile quickly fades and suddenly she grows angry.

"I will not stand back and let my daughter talk to me like this.." she says, and suddenly I feel something hit me hard, it knocks the breath out of me but I recover quickly.

"Is that all you got?" I laugh, the sound like bullet casings hitting the floor.

Within seconds I am holding her by the throat, my hands gripping her with so much force that I don't even know where it is coming from.

"Ava.." a weak voice says from behind me, I let go of her instantly, and rush to Eric.

He lifts his head to look at me, and I realize that they didn't heal him like the did me, they simply sewed up his wound, and didn't care about how well they did because he is still bleeding softly.

I place my hand over the wound, and with everything in me I try to push my essence through, at first he begins to bleed more, and I know it is because my essence of death is over powering life right now, but soon I can feel the blood slow to a stop.

I lift his shirt to see that the wound is healed leaving a jagged scar behind.

"Perfect.. you are learning so quickly.." a voice says behind me.

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