Chapter 49

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I wrap my arms around Lee and he doesn't object. He is real, he is here right in front of me.

And they can see him to.

"I can't believe you are here Lee.." I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks, and he pulls back and smiles at me.

"I know I should be slightly grateful that Scarlett brought me back, but I hate her and I know if you had not left then she would have probably tried to hurt you in some way.. so let's get out of here..." Lee says, we quickly run back to the car and slide into the back seat.

"Nice to see you again Lee.." Aiden says, and Lee looks shocked.

"It was you I saw in the dream?! I got pulled out of the dream and into existence when I saw you come into the room!" Lee says excitedly.

"Nice to know you didn't just disappear to be weird." Aiden says laughing a little.

"Also, um, blonde guy with brooding face thanks for giving me your human soul so I could finally live some type of life. And now I don't have to worry about seeing you both kiss my sister anymore.." Lee says and I turn blood red, Aiden and Eric both exchange a look of jealousy before they both blush.

"So she took you out of me and gave you Eric's human soul, and now you are here.." I say still in shock.

"Yes pretty much.. but I'd like to get some new clothes.. I found these in the other upstairs bedroom I think they are boyfriend number ones.." he says, and Aiden turns to look at Lee from the front seat.

"I was wondering what happened to that shirt.." Aiden says, he glares at Lee making Lee throw his hands up in surrender.

"I have a very serious question.. how did she manage to bring you out without a witch?" Aiden points out.

"I don't know, I was talking to Ava in her dream and then she woke up and then I was sucked out of the dream world.. I seen glimpses of people, some boy with reddish hair I think, and then Scarlett and some mean looking brunette that I instantly didn't like, but then I woke up in Ava and Violet's old house.. I only knew Eric gave me a soul because I feel a connection to him, not like a link because eww.. but like a pact or something.. it's hard to explain, but that how I knew you guys were in the house. It's kinda like the sound still belongs to him, and he is only loaning it to me." Lee rambles, his eyes gleam and I can tell that he is ecstatic that he can finally have a life.

"We have a bigger matter at hand, where the hell are we going first, because I don't know how to get to the safe house through a car, so we need to get in touch with Lily and the others. Or atleast decide where a safe place would be to make a door." Eric says keeping his eyes on the road.

"Wait.. Ive got a great idea.." Aiden says, his words don't match his tone. "We can go through my mother's house.. she may not like guests at the moment, but I think she won't be able to refuse.."

"Well how do we get there? I know we can't just drive there.." Eric says smirking at Aiden.

"Well probably the shopping center close by, she actually owns one of the stores there.. Beauty and the goth.. I know she has a door directly to her house in there.." Aiden says, and I feel myself blush as I realize that's the first place I ever saw Aiden. He must have been outside because he had just left there.

We drive the rest of the way there in silence, but I can see Lee fidgeting continuously.

"What's the matter?" I whisper, and he looks at me giving me a smile.

"There is so much I want to do.. but I feel like there isn't enough time to do it." He whispers back, his smile never fades but his words haunt me.

"There is plenty of time Lee, I promise, you will get to have a life.." I squeeze his hand and he smiles at me.

"Thanks Ava, I'm glad I get to have a life and actually enjoy having you as a sister.." he says, and I can feel a wave of emotion come from the front seat. I see Eric eyes looking at me in the rear view mirror and I smile at him.

He done this, he gave him life.

I will forever be grateful for Eric, and I feel my link with him grow, but Aiden's link is still far stronger.

I don't like to think about their links together like that because I feel like I am judging them by their links. They are both wonderful, amazing men, but why did destiny have to be so cruel and link me to both of them. And then there is Ty, the one that isn't linked to me, but adores me just as much as Eric and Aiden, but he doesn't have something persuading him to do so.

But Ty and I both know that we could never be, not now that I know I am linked to not one but two people.

Ty respects that though, he didn't have to say it for me to know.

Ty won't ever leave my side, even though he can't be more than my friend.

I feel something nudge my leg, and I realize it is Aiden's hand. I quickly slide my hand from my lap down into his larger but ever so comforting hand.

I feel a strong wave of emotion come from him, and I send one right back.

He chuckles slightly causing Eric to look at him, but he turns it into a cough and plays it off like he had a tickle in his throat.

So smooth dork.

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