Chapter 94 | The Falling of Hope |

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*As Downunda comes into the condo he hits his antlers on the door frame* "Oh bloody hell..they never make doorways for my height!"

*Bakugo shouts as he walks out of Iwahatsu's room. Iwahatsu and Reddo are snuggling close together. He leans down and starts kissing him.*

*Reddo kisses him back lovingly*

*Iwahatsu breaks the kiss.*
"How are you doing?"

"Good now that you're here~ but I was reading a bit on the rumor Mill cause Waka tagged me on posts...ugh she such a bitch!" *Reddo sighs*

"What did she say?"
*Iwahatsu says taking off his clothes. He gets down to his underwear and pulls Reddo into his chest so he is laying on top of him.*

"Just insults about me and say shit about the twins..." *Reddo sighs as he lays his head on Iwahatsus chest*

"The twins?"
*Iwahatsu says confused*

"Theres a post about the twins on the rumor mill." *Reddo says*

"She such a bitch! Oh shit, I almost fucking forgot... that damn family was kidnapped!"
*Iwahatsu says slapping his head.*

"W..what!?" *Reddo shoots up*

"We have a team here to go look... I wish I could do a damn thing... but as you heard me say... I can't do a damn thing"
*Iwahatsu sighs hugging onto Reddo. He starts petting Reddo's hair a bit.*
"What do you use! Your hair is so soft~~"

*Reddo giggles and cuddles close to him* "Oh just a special cherry blend shampoo and conditioner~"

*Iwahatsu pulls him in closer and smells his hair.*

*Reddo smiles*

*Reddo says cuddling into him.*

*Iwahatsu smirks kissing his forehead*

"Hatsu... I have thinking... who's going to get pregnant first?"
*Reddo says turning his head so he is looking down at Iwahatsu. But so he also resting it right between Iwahatsu's large pecs*

"You." *Iwahatsu bluntly says with a smirk*

"Really~ if you want 4 kiddos... you have to pay some contribution~"
*Reddo smirks smirking at Iwahatsu teasingly*

*Iwahatsu laughs*

"You have said this before... but I really think our kids are going to be crazy!"
*Reddo says happily*

"Honestly dipshits kids are crazier, haha!" *Iwahatsu laughs*

"I have a feeling that one of ours will be a biting machine..."
*Reddo says laying his head down listing to Iwahatsu's heartbeat*

*Iwahatsu nuzzles him* "What makes you think that?"

"I don't know~"
*Reddo leans down and starts to kiss Iwahatsu.*

*Iwahatsu kisses back*

"Do you think I could become a good hero~"
*Reddo asks, but Iwahatsu doesn't respond. His face is of unsureness. Reddo frowns slightly looking upset.*
"You don't think so"
*Reddo says with a sigh.*
"No, you couldn't.... you have been trying I can see that... but... to be a real hero?... you don't have the physical strength and dexterity."
*Iwahatsu sighs, he then starts to sit up. Reddo gets up and sits on Iwahatsu as he leans against the headboard.*
"Why my strength and dexterity? What about my quirk? And everything else?"
*Reddo says frowning*
"Your quirk doesn't do that well in fighting. You need to start doing more workouts to build stamina... for you, I would say you should be like Eraserhead. A stocker kind of hero... but the one you are trying to be... is not going to happen... but I still believe in you... and remember... if it becomes too much of a challenge... I'll will always be right here... and if you want to quit... have my support~ and I'll be here~"*Iwahatsu says hugging him tightly.*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now