Chapter 9 | Help Mourn |

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⚠️(Please do not follow what we suggested here. We are not sure if these are proper ways to cope with loss. If you have lost a loved one, please seek help. They will give you ways to properly cope)⚠️

-Later, in bed-

*Ashton and Yasei snuggle satisfied in the bed, as close their eyes they both get a text*

*Ashton sighs and grabs his phone, he opens the text*

*Its a text from Iwahatsu, the text is addressed to everyone in the gang*
'This is Katsuki Bakugo. I just got a message about everyone meeting at my place on Saturday evening. The Hero SunEater is going to give us a lesson on how to cope with Iwahatsu's death.'

*Ashton sighs* "Yasei baby, we have to go to Bakugos place on saturday evening for a meeting on how to cope with Iwahatsus death..."

*Yasei sighs and nods*
"I almost forgot he's dead..."

"Same...but honestly I could never forget a good friend like him.." *He nuzzles closer*

*Yasei starts to tear up*
"Yeah... I'll never forget him... he was the greatest hero..."

*Ashton holds him close* "I know baby but this meeting will help us.."

*He nods and nuzzles closer.*

-cut to Saturday-

*Mirio and Amajiki are at Eri's and Kota's place. They are getting ready or everything.*
"Ok, I'll message Katsuki to leave key and leave the house so we can 'setup'"
*Mirio says sitting down.*

*Eri nods* "Sounds good!"

*Iwahatsu grunts* "Okay."

*Mirio grabs his phone, and calls Bakugo.*

*Bakugo answers* "Hello?"

"Hey Katsuki. I am calling because I need to get some stuff set up with Amajiki in the house. I want it to be a surprise, so I want you three to head out to dinner or something. I'll help Amajiki get ready."
*Mirio says happily*

*Bakugo grunts* "Alright then...we need the fresh air anyways..."

"There you go!"
*Mirio says energetically*

*Bakugo growls* "Okay we are leaving now..."

"Perfect, can you leave a key under the welcome mat?"
*Mirio says standing up.*

*Bakugo grunts* "Fine! Just dont touch any of my shit you hear."

"Of course though we may move to chairs around just so it's of a classroom setting"
*Mirio says walking over to Amajiki who is drawing up charts and sheets for the chat*

"Thats fine..." *Bakugo sighs*

"Text me when you guys are gone"
*Mirio says then hangs up. He walks up and help Amajiki*

*Amajiki smiles putting the stuff together*

-10 minutes later-

*Mirio get the text from Bakugo. He stands and walks over to Iwahatsu*

*Iwahatsu smirks* "Hell yea I can't wait to see the look on their faces.."

*Mirio smirks and helps Amajiki get everything into the car. Iwahatsu walks out and gets in as well.*

*Amajiki smiles* "This is so e..exciting.."

*Iwahatsi nods and smiles*

*Mirio gets into the drivers seat* "Alright gang! Let's get this party started." *He turns on the car and begins to drive to the Bakugos house*

*Iwahatsu watches the neighborhood go by. The houses are still cracked from when Iwahatsu killed Tenki's mother*

*Mirio pulls up to the house and parks* "We are here!"

*Iwahatsu sees the family car is gone. He sighs as he looks around the yard. He looks up at the house and smiles gently*
*Iwahatsu thinks to himself as he grabs the door handle. He gets out and grabs the key under the welcome mat and heads inside.*

*Mirio helps Amajiki with the stuff and heads inside almost tripping on the stairs*

*Iwahatsu heads down into the training room. As he heads down, the smell of the rubber on the machines indicates that no one has been using them. He grunts then walks over and starts doing a small workout.*

*Mirio and Amajiki set up the posters and note sheets. After a bit Mirio comes down to the training room* "Alright Iwahatsu we are done gonna text to group and the fun will begin."

*Iwahatsu nods as he sets the weights down.*
"Geez... being dead really destroys your muscles"

"Dont push yourself I have a feeling you're gonna be giving a lot of hugs!" *Mirio laughs*

"Most definitely"
*Iwahatsu says sitting down on a bench in the room.*

*Mirio heads back up and begins texting the group to come to Bakugos place* "Alright operation reunite loved ones is a go!"

*Amajiki nods as he sets the chairs in a line and the couch is moved facing towards the front door. The coffee table was set in the middle. He sits down on the ground by the door and waits.*

*Mirio smiles waiting at the front door for the gang to arrive*

*It takes about 30 minutes for everyone to arrive. When the first person arrived Mirio lead them in. He sets them down as they all arrive*

*Kirishima sits down holding Tenki close to him. Bakugo sits next to them. Ashton and Yasei sit side by side with Yasei holding Ashtons hand. Reddo and Kinzoku sit next to each other on the couch. Honō and Kangaeta take their seats as well*

*Kūki walks in and sits on the floor. Amajiki flips the note card slides he made. He takes a breath in and try's to not be nervous then begins*
"The first thing you can do is remember that they are always there in spirit.... crying is a big help, if you need to lock yourselves in your rooms and cry till they run dry...."
*Amajiki says*

*They all nod. Tenki clings to Kirishima sniffling*

*Mirio adds on* "Even when your tears run dry just screaming and yelling into a pillow will help as well to get your frustrations out."

"Memory is the biggest thing to keep in"
*Amajiki says as he flips the chart. It shows a few ways to mourn. Mirio then texts Iwahatsu to come up quietly.*
"Remembering a motto they had is another good way to keep them alive inside."
*Iwahatsu sighs and smirks as he gets the text from Amajiki's phone. He then walks up the stairs quietly and stands by the window.*
"Now please a moment of silence for the questions to be thought"
*Mirio says, then Iwahatsu smirks*
"Questions? Really? A moment I would think that they would come on the spot."
*Iwahatsu laughs*
*Bakugo shouts then cuts himself off.*

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