Chapter 87 | Why Denki |

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-5 hours later-
*Kirishima and Shinso land and they hail down a cab. When they had landed Shinso got a message.
'Sorry I fell asleep.'
But the message hadn't gotten there till they landed. They get to the condo and there appears to be no one home. Kirishima stretches out and his phone pings. He looks at it and it's from Iwahatsu*
'Most of us went to go explore the area. We should be back in like 2 hours.'
*Kirishima reply's that he just got to the condo.*
"Ok, so most of them are gone. They went exploring... which is good I guess... but I need something to drink... what you want Hitoshi?"
*Kirishima says walking up to the door.*

"I'll have some tea, I have been wanting a good cup of some." *Shinso says putting down his bags*

*As they walk up to the door. They can hear a noise.*

*Kirishima raises an eyebrow* "That's strange.."

*Shinso frowns as they get to the door. They walk inside, and the noise is coming from upstairs*

*Kirishima squints* "What the hell?"

*He walks up to the door for Honō's and it's not coming from the room. He frowns and heads to his. He frowns as the sound is coming from his and Kaminari's room. He gets to the door and he can hear the box spring bouncing.*

*Shinso walks up and leans on the door listening carefully*

*Shinso's eyes widen as voices can be heard through the door. They are Kaminari and Ojiro' voices. He waves down Kirishima who presses his against the door.*

*Kirishima growls and kicks open the door. When the door falls to the ground.*

*Shinso stares with unbelief painted on his face.* "D..Denki!? Ojiro!? What the hell are YOU TWO DOING!?"

*Kaminari yells with a huge blush on his face as he covers himself with sheets from the bed. Ojiro he hugging onto him*
"Uhh... rape?"

*Shinso clenches his fist and walks over to them* "Are you cheating on me?"

*Ojiro looks up and gulps*

"Answer me....NOW!" *Shinso roars fighting back tears*

"You know what... FINE! YES! I have been cheating on you for the last 10 years!!"
*Kaminari growls*

"W..why!? Am I not good enough for you!?-" *He cuts himself off letting the tears flow from his eyes. He suddenly thinks about what John Cowles said to him.

'This is what you do, you leave the room. Then come back with their stuff. Then tell them to get out.'

He walks over to the closet and grabs Denkis suitcase, fills his clothes and other things inside. He walks over to foot of the bed and drops it* "Get out."

*Kaminari says confused, then the front door can be heard opening and closing. Then Kangaeta groaning can be heard.*
"You really should have just stayed on my back."
*Honō is heard chuckling.*

"Get. The. Fuck. Out. NOW! I dont give a shit where you go just get the fuck out of here you piece of shit!!" *Shinso roars while he cries*

*Kangaeta hears Shinso yell* "Papa...wait papa Hitoshi never raises his voice..why is he yelling?"

*Honō frowns*
"Yeah... lets go see if something is wrong."
*He says as he walks towards the stairs with Kangaeta. They walk over to the door and see Kaminari trying to get some clothes on. He has his underwear on. He is failing to get his pants on*
*Kangaeta yells*

*Shinso turns to them* "Hello boys dont mind me just trying to get rid of this trash!"

*Kaminari looks at Shinso. Then back at Kangaeta* "I can explain."

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