Chapter 29 | Sharp Diamond |

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*As the teacher stands up. A guy comes through the window.*

*Kezuru hears a man's voice speak and peaks out to see a scary looking guy attacking the teacher*

*The teacher try's to fight him off.*

*Kezuru holds Tenki close* "I think we could use a hero right now.." *He hears a smash and the teacher scream*

*Tenki gulps and pushes his hands together. He pulls them apart which makes a long crystal. He then hands it to Kezuru.*
"Use your quirk on it and get the man"

*Kezuru takes its and makes the crystal become as sharp as a blade* "You're a genius..stay here."

*Present Mic smashes his face through the class room clock. His mustache becomes the hands.*
"KEZURU HYŌMEN!! Quirk: Sharpen.
Kezuru can sharp any object he touches. The more energy he out puts into his quirk on an object the sharper it becomes. He can sharpen an object more than once, so the object can eventually slice a wooden table in half!
That pretty damn SHARP if you ask me.

The down side is that he has to use his energy. It also sharpens the part that touches his hand. So he can very easily cut open his hand! Better watch out little dude."
*Present mics face removes itself from the clock face.*

*The guy had smashed a cup and is now choking her.*

*Kezuru runs up sharpens the crystal rod again and stabs the man in the foot* "Leave her alone!"

*The guy screams as the crystal goes straight through his foot.*

*Kezuru pulls the the crystal out then stabs him in the leg*

*The guy goes to grab Kezuru. To which he grabs him and starts strangling him. Tenki sees this and something snaps. As The lights start to go for Kezuru. He hears a crash and he is suddenly dropped and everyone gasps and some scream. As he comes to, he is being held by Tenki.*

*Kezuru coughs and looks up at Tenki* "W..what happened?"

*Tenki doesn't say anything. Then Grenadier walks up with no cannons*
"Ah good, your fine."
*He says as his tail wags slightly.*

*Kezuru looks up at sees Grenadier, his vision is still blurry from lack of oxygen* "Who is that..?"

"I'm Grenadier"
*Iwahatsu says leaning down.*

"Grenadier? You look different then the tv shows." *Kezuru says as his vision focuses*

*Iwahatsu sighs*
"Yeah, I got into a quirk accident. So for the time being I can only do this kind of work, investigation and detaining. No fighting villains"
*Iwahatsu sighs*

*Kezuru coughs and looks back at Tenki* "You ok Tenki you look scared?"

*Tenki hugs him more*
"I'm fine... better now..."

*Kezuru smiles and hugs him* "Good I don't want to see you sad..or scared." *Iwahatsu squints at them*

"Tenki Bakugo... did you forget to tell me you are dating"
*Iwahatsu says quietly*

*Tenki gulps a bit* ""

*Kezuru closes his eyes a bit to relax*

"My little brother, gay? Who would have known! The only thing I am disappointed with is that you never told me you told him"
*Iwahatsu teases quietly enough that they only can hear him.*

*Tenki blushes a bit* "I um..yea..sorry"

*Kezurus eyes snap open* "Wait, your brother is him?" *He points at Iwahatsu*

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