Chapter 32 | The Truth |

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-cut to Bakugo-

*Bakugo is sitting in his office looking at papers. He is flipping through them bored out of his mind. Ms. Thompson walks into the room with cups and a tea kettle.*

*Bakugo looks up briefly at her* "Thank you Thompson."

*She sets it down on the desk. She pours out two cups, she places a pure cup in front of Bakugo. Then she starts to put honey and cream into hers.*
"I am on break, so what is it you are looking at sir?"

"Just some employment request forms...possibly hiring some new recruits." *Bakugo grunts as he sets down the papers*

*She takes them and looks them over as she steers her tea.*
"This first one doesn't sound professional"

"Exactly, they're mostly boasting about their quirk! Who cares about how they can stick to most surfaces!" *Bakugo growls picking up his cup of tea*

*Ms. Thompson glances up at him. She rolls her eyes with a smirk.*

*Bakugo looks at her as he takes a sip* "What?"

"From what Head Bakugo has told me... that sound like you in UA"
*She chuckles as she flips to the next Resume.*

*Bakugo scoffs slightly and takes another sip of his tea*

*She stops steering and adds a tiny bit of sugar.*
"How many of these do you go through in a day? I mean I can go through maybe... 30 in an hour... but that's not-"
*She cuts her self off taking a sip of tea.*
"-even sometimes reading the full thing."

*Bakugo puts down his cup and sighs heavily* "I go through at least 50..but once I read any form of bragging about their quirks, I just give up and move on to the next."

"I go back and read every one. Even if they just brag..."

*Bakugo rolls his eyes a bit with a heavier sigh* "I should honestly."

*Ms. Thompson throws the resume from the bragger into the trash. She then takes another sip of her tea.*

*Bakugo chuckles a bit* "Would you believe me if I told you that was his fifteenth application here."

"persistent aren't they"
*She sighs as she leans back into her chair.*

"Not persistent enough because I'm not impressed at this point its just harassment and a waist of my time also paper." *Bakugo says as he takes a sip of tea*

"Not really harassment. More just waist of time as you said. If the guy shows up in the other hand. And he starts throwing a fit, that's a different story."

*Bakugo nods slightly as he drinks*

*Hatsume bings over the desk intercom.*
"Katsuki! There is a man here!! He is trying to steal from the main computer!!"

*Bakugos eyes widen and slams down the cup of tea. He shoots up from his desk* "Im on my way!"

"I don't mean that he trying to steal info... he is trying to break into the computer tube system that scales the building"
*She says nervously as a crash can be heard over it.*

*Bakugo face palms and growls*

*The intercom cuts out and Ms. Thompson sighs*
"There goes my brake. Oh well, you head down I'll finish here."
*She says as she sit down at his desk.*

*Bakugo nods to her and walks out of the office*

*He runs to the elevator*

*Bakugo slams the buttons and the elevator begins to move* "I swear if its that bastard I'm gonna be pissed.."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now