Chapter 71 | Are You Red Riot? |

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-10 minutes later-

*The interview finishes, Kirishima and Iwahatsu go to stand up. But the interviewer walks up.*
"Can We talk in private?"

*Kirishima nods* "Sure."

*The interviewer pulls Iwahatsu and Kirishima into a room. She shuts the door behind them.*
"So... tell me straight out... are you Red Riot?"

*Kirishima looks at her nervously* "What makes you ask that?"

"You look a lot like him... other than the stubble, and longer hair... I didn't believe what the news says... he can't be dead, he saved my father... when I was younger..."
*She says*

*Kirishima looks at her* "Well I am him but let's keep that between us."

*The interviewer starts to tear up and hugs Kirishima*

*Kirishima hugs her back*

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry that the news defaced you because you are married to... Dynamight..."
*She says quietly*

*Kirishima sigh heavily to fight back the tears* "Its alright.."

*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes which Kirishima spots*

*Kirishima narrows his eyes at Iwahatsu*

*Iwahatsu grunts*

"Behave." *Kirishima says*

*The interviewer looks up*

"Oh nothing. Just anything else we want to talk about?" *Kirishima says*

"Grenadier... people don't like him here at the station... but, I have a feeling you two are connected some how..."
*She says*

*Kirishima and Iwahatsu exchange looks then he says* "Oh he just works at the Baku'ishima agency.."

"Just spilt it old man."
*Iwahatsu growls*

*Kirishima sighs heavily* "Fine..Grenadier is my son.."

"Your... son?"
*She says turning to Iwahatsu.*

"Yes.." *Kirishima says*

"So... you and Dynamight had a son?"
*She says*

"Yes." *Kirishima says as he rubs his arm*

*Iwahatsu pulls down his mask*
"So, why did you put us in here?!"
*Iwahatsu says squinting, the interviewer turns to face him.*
"I... I just wanted to say thank you... and that I hope you... come back... in the light of the Community"
*She says*

*Kirishima squints at Iwahatsu* "Be nice."

*Iwahatsu growls slightly and the interviewer pulls away.*
"One other thing... was there anything you want to report on... but you cannot do legal issues?"

*Kirishima nods with a heavy sigh* "Yes..I wanted to report how the government poorly mistreats heros who are gay..."

*She nods in agreement*
"Yeah... I wish it would stop..."

"So many heros lives have been ruined from it..some of them have to hide their relationships with their partners all shouldn't be this way.." *Kirishima sighs*

"Like Papa Katsuki"
*Iwahatsu adds*

*Kirishima nods* "Exactly..we shouldnt be forced to hide in the shadows because of the government's opinions about our private lives.."

*The interviewer looks upset and sighs. But then stands up straight*
"I am an activist for LGBT rights in Japan. I can see what I can do to help you would like."
*She says bowing.*

*Kirishima smiles and returns the bow* "Thank you for your support its greatly appreciated."

*She hands him a card*

*Kirishima takes it and smiles*

*He looks it over and it's her phone number.*
"If you need to, call me... and I can see what I can do."

"Thank you I appreciate everything you do." *Kirishima smiles*

*She nods then smiles, she reaches into her coat pocket. She then pulls out an old photograph that has Kirishima Signature on it.*
"You gave me this about 13 years ago... I take it everywhere I go."

*Kirishima's eyes widen and he gasps*
"I remember that! You were in the hospital... when I took Grenadier here for the accident he was in..."

*Rachel looks concerned* "what do you mean?"

"When I got this scare on my face... which is the only context for it I have is that you said it was about 13 years ago. I was hospitalized for a good while to have the hole sealed up."
*Iwahatsu grunts*

*Rachel frowns a bit*
"I didn't... realize..."

"It's fine! I love seeing my fans! Even now..."
*Kirishima says with a gentle smile, Iwahatsu sighs and growls a bit.*
"We need to get going, Papa Katsuki is probably having a screaming match with... I don't even know, himself?"

*Kirishima laughs and nods in agreement*
"Yeah we should go, Have a manly day Rachel!"
*Rachel smiles and does Kirishima's old hero pose banger her fists together. She then leads the two out.*

*Kirishima walks out*

*Iwahatsu sighs as he puts on his cannons.*
"This time... WE ARE TAKING THE TRAIN!!!"

"Alright." *Kirishima says rolling his eyes*

*The two walk down the road of Tokyo to the train station*

*Kirishima looks at Iwahatsu* "Do you think the interview went well?"

*Iwahatsu says scanning, Kirishima looks Iwahatsu up and down. He can see that his stomach is starting to show. He also notices that Iwahatsu is almost as tall as Bakugo*

"You're getting bigger maybe it's time for a new suit." *Kirishima says*

*Iwahatsu sighs*
" I was going to say something back at the agency. The cannons are getting a little tight on my arms as well... which I think Hatsume has the next size done already... I had spoken to her about it already... but the suit itself... I hope we can get a new one shipped to Hawaii... as by the time it's done, we will be in Hawaii."
*Iwahatsu says adjusting his cannons*

"Of course we'll work out the details as soon as we get back to the agency." *Kirishima smiles*

*Iwahatsu nods, they keep walking to the station*

*They soon arrive at the station*

*Iwahatsu and Kirishima walk into the train and sit down.*

*Kirishima sighs happily* "I can't wait for this trip."

*Iwahatsu nods*

*Kirishima closes his eyes to relax for a bit*

*Iwahatsu pulls off his canon and starts inspecting them.*

*Kirishima opens his eyes and looks at Iwahatsu*

*Iwahatsu is looking at everyone. To which they are all staring at him. Some have faces that look like they would explode in a second.*

*Kirishima chuckles quietly to himself when he notices people staring at Iwahatsu*

*Iwahatsu sighs, turns around and opens the window. He puts on the cannon, sticks it out the window and activates the Fail safe*

*Kirishima watches him*

*The smoke expels out of the cannon outside the train.*

*Kirishima sighs*

*After it stops he pulls it in and starts messing with it.*

*Kirishima looks outside*

*He can see the city blow by as everyone sits quietly*

*Kirishima smiles*

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