Chapter 11 | EAT EAT EAT |

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*Iwahatsu finishes the food. He walks into the dinning room with large plates of fried, boiled, and steamed dumplings. The plates are decorated with the sauces on the edge. He goes back and grabs a another plate of fried rise balls*

*Bakugo smirks* "Nicely done son."

*Iwahatsu nods, He sits down and Reddo rushes over and sits in his lap.*
"Hi Amaiyaka~"
*Iwahatsu says, rubbing his face into Reddo.*

*Reddo nuzzles back and hugs Iwahatsu* "Hi Hatsu~"

*Everyone walks in and sits down at the table. They all grab food and start digging in.*

*Mirio stuffs his face with food, juices from the dumplings burst from the sides of his mouth. They run down his chin onto his plate.*

*Amajiki sighs, and wipes off he juices* "Mirio honey slow down."

*Mirio says loudly and keeps eating. Kirishima drools at the food. He picks up his chopsticks slowly. He then grabs one, he takes a bite and then starts digging in faster than Mirio*

*Yasei laughs at them* "Go! Go! Go!"

*Bakugo growls* "Don't encourage them Dipshit!"

*Kirishima yells looking up at Bakugo*

*Mirio smirks* "YES! LETS GO!"

*Yasei looks Ashton*
"Don't you dare..."
*Ashton smirks at him*
"TOO LATE!! 3... 2... 1!! GOO!"
*Ashton yells and the three of them start smashing their faces into the food.*

*Mirio stuffs food into his mouth. Mostly dumplings but he gets some rice balls in there*

*Kirishima puts two dumplings into his mouth at a time.*

*Ashton stuffs five dumplings into his mouth at once. Yasei looks at him in amazement, he then blushes and a slight bloody nose but shakes it off. He sighs and face palms starting to get annoyed* "Ashton please don't..."

*Amajiki, Yasei, and Bakugo look annoyed. But everyone else is laughing.*

*Mirio, Kirishima, and Ashton keep going. Mirio eventually starts to slow down but Ashton and Kirishima keep going*

*Mirio comes to a stop after eating 10 dumplings. Kirishima and Ashton are staring each other down. They both have a fight in their eyes. Bakugo sighs and keeps eating slowly, Kirishima breaks the stare and looks at Bakugo. He smirks with his mouth full then goes back to eating when Bakugo laughs slightly.*

*Yasei narrows his eyes staring at Ashton* "Don't come to me later about your tummy hurting.."

*Kirishima starts slowing down, his fight slowly giving up.*

*Ashton keeps going, with a fire in his eyes for winning the eat off*

*Kirishima comes to a stop at 20 dumplings*
"Geez kid..."
*Kirishima sighs, as he puts his chopsticks down.*

*Ashton stuffs another dumpling in his mouth, which makes it his 25th dumpling* "What can I say my stamina is both a blessing and a curse.."

"It's a blessing in my opinion"
*Yasei laughs hugging Ashton with a smirk and a slight blush*

*Ashton smiles nuzzling Yasei* "You know it Kitten~"

*Bakugo rolls his eyes* "These damn kids..."

"Yeah, they can't seem to stay dead huh?"
*Iwahatsu smirks*

*Bakugo growls* "Shut it you brat!"

"Too soon?"
*Iwahatsu laughs*

*Bakugo grunts* "Just finish your meal.."

*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes*
"Alright you stuck up dog"
*Iwahatsu keeps eating, he grabs a rice ball and feeds Reddo. The ladder takes it into his mouth and hums lightly nuzzling into the muscle hulk under him.*

*Bakugo grunts and eats, he grabs a rice ball and stuffs it into Kirishima's mouth. To which he coughs a bit but swallows it. He then gives Bakugo a slightly annoyed face.*

"How did you cough that up?! You took more than that before he died"
*Bakugo says pointing at Iwahatsu.*

"Katsuki, I... I don't know"
*Kirishima shrugs with a blush.*

*Honō looks at Kangaeta*
"Are you doing good sparky?"

*Kangaeta nods* "Yes Honō just getting tired, after a big meal I always get sleepy.."

"I'll fly you to the dorm with me"
*Honō says with a smile, he kisses him lightly on the cheek.*

*Kangaeta nods nuzzling into Honō* "Yes I'd like that very much.."

- Monday -
*Kirishima is getting Tenki ready for school.*
"This is your first day Tenki..."
*Kirishima says, sliding Tenki into his uniform jacket.*

*Tenki smiles a bit* "Yea papa..."

*Kirishima finishes helping him into his uniform.*
"You look so cute!!"
*Iwahatsu heads down the stairs. He is noticeably taller than he was a couple days ago.*

*Tenki gulps a bit nervously*

"You will be fine Tenki!"
*Kirishima says with a smile, he then grabs a bag*
"Here is your supplements for today"

*Tenki takes the bag* "Ok papa!"

*Kirishima takes the bag and opens it. He then hands a bottle to him*

*Tenki smiles*

"Morning you two!!"
*Iwahatsu says tiredly*

*Tenki toddles over to Iwahatsu* "Morning!!"

*Iwahatsu picks him up and gives him a light squeeze.*

*Tenki smiles and hugs Iwahatsu*

*Kirishima takes Tenki and grabs his backpack.*
"Looks like you got taller Iwahatsu... you may be taller than me, but-... never mind that we need to head off."

*Tenki looks at Kirishima* "Okay papa..."

*Kirishima heads to the door. The two of them head to Deer Valley Elementary*

*Tenki fidgets nervously*

*Kirishima who is holding his hand as they walk.*
"Something wrong?"

*Tenki looks at Kirishima* "W..what if they dont like me..?"

"Well, that's their loss then"
*Kirishima says with a smile.*

*Tenki nods slowly*

*They walk to the gates of the school. They arrive and Kirishima leads him to the door.*

*Tenki is still nervous*

*Kirishima walks up to the teacher at the door.*
"Hello, I am Eijiro Bakugo, this is my adopted son Tenki Bakugo."

*The teacher looks at them* "Hello there!"

*Tenki hides behind Kirishima*

*The teacher looks at Tenki peeking out* "Aww we have a shy one..that's ok you'll warm up to us in no time."

*Tenki pulls back*

*Kirishima pats Tenkis head* "Its alright Tenki.."

*Tenki shakes behind Kirishima*

*Kirishima crouches down to Tenkis level and hugs him* "There there sweetie.."

*Tenki grips onto Kirishima*

*Kirishima sighs* "Tenki listen to me, you have to brave like Iwahatsu he goes to school dont you want to be like him?"

*Tenki looks at Kirishima and nods confidently*

"That's my boy! Now be brave like Iwahatsu. Ill be back later to pick you up." *Kirishima smiles*

*Tenki nods again and walks into the school with confidence*

*Kirishima waves goodbye to him as he disappears into the school*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now