Chapter 76 | Landing |

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-6 1/2 hours later-
*Tenki looks out the window and sees a tiny island a head of them.*
"What's with that weird thing in the distance?"

*Kezuru takes a peek at the window* "Looks like an um an island!"

*The inter com dings*
"Attention passengers... we are making our descent. Bring your seats forward, lift your trays up, and make sure you are buckled in. Current time is 3:00 pm, Welcome to Hawaii"

*Bakugo pulls his seat up* "Finally!"

*Iwahatsu groans as he lifts his seat.*

*Reddo wakes up and runs his eyes* "Oh are we here already..?"

"Sounds like it"
*Iwahatsu stretches*

*Reddo stretches a bit* "Yay..~"

*Ashton snorts as Yasei raised his seat.*

*Yasei chuckles and kisses Ashtons cheek* "Babe..we are here~"

*Ashton slowly opens his eyes*
"Where... baby?"
*Ashton says patting his belly for Orochi. Who is on Yasei's lap sleeping.*

"He's on my lap honey~" *Yasei says*

*Ashton yawns*

*Yasei smiles and holds Oliver and Orochi*

*Ashton reaches for one of them*

*Yasei hands him Oliver*

*Ashton starts licking Oliver.*

*Oliver uncurls and stretches with a chirp*

*Honō looks behind him and smile at Oliver*

*Oliver chirps happily at Honō*

"He likes being licked huh?"
*Honō chuckles*

*Ashton laughs* "He sure does"

*Oliver chirps*

*Kangaeta nuzzles into Honō.*
"I want kids"

*Honō blushes a bit* "Anything for you my electric mouse~"

*Kangaeta smirks*

*Kaminari growls from the opposite side, when he hears this* "NO!"

*Kangaeta looks over at him.*
"We are having kids like it or not!"

*Kaminari opens his mouth like he's about to argue but then shinso slaps it shut. Shinso growls* "We are on vacation, no arguing let them be!"

*Kaminari looks up and Shinso and sighs*

*Shinso sighs heavily*

*Iwahatsu frowns at Kaminari*
"Why the hell are you closed up about them"

*Kaminari growls* "Mind your own business!"

"Denki!" *Shinso says*

*Iwahatsu makes a pebble and slap the back of Kaminari's head.*

*Kaminari growls* "You fucker!"

*Bakugo growls* "Kick his ass son!"

Control yourselves! Or I am going to slap both of you when we land!"
*Kirishima growls*

"He started it!" *Bakugo roars pointing at Kaminari*

"I don't care who started it! Fuck it, You two stay Quiet till we land!"
*Kirishima says angrily, Tenki says looks nervous*

*Kezuru hugs Tenki* "Whats wrong?"

"I am nervous about being in... uh... America?"
*Tenki says confused*

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