Chapter 10 | Operation Reunite Loved Ones |

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*Kirishima gasps and looks behind him, his eyes widen when he sees Iwahatsu standing there. His arms crossed and a large smirk on his face* "I...Iwahatsu..?"

*Everyone turns around to see Iwahatsu standing smirking back at them*

*Tenki sees him he starts squirming and scrambling then jumps out of Kirishima's arms* "BROTHER!!"

*Reddo gets up fast*
*Iwahatsu sighs and holds out his arms for Tenki*

*Tenki jumps into his arms crying, his grip locks onto him* "I MISSED YOU!!"

*Kirishima stands up so fast that he knocks down his chair. He runs up to Iwahatsu, and hugs him. Tenki getting squished in the middle.* "I..Is it really you?"

"Yes it is me"
*Iwahatsu says squeezing Tenki. Reddo jumps over the couch knocking it over. Causing Kinzoku, Yasei and Ashton to hit the floor. He runs pushes Kirishima out of the away and hugs Iwahatsu*

*Reddo begins to cry* "Its you! Oh my god its you!"

*Ashton helps Yasei up from the floor. He and Yasei walk over to Iwahatsu. Ashton sniffs him up and down* "Holy's him!"

*Bakugo runs up grabbing Kirishima, pulling Reddo away and hugs Iwahatsu too. Tenki gets squished every time someone runs up. But he doesn't care, as it just pushes him closer to Iwahatsu.*

*Tenki laughs a bit as hes getting squashed. Hes just happy to have Iwahatsu back*

*Mirio laughs* "Now now everyone one hug at a time."

*Iwahatsu laughs*

*Mirio laughs as well.*

*Honō smirks and sends out his wings he pulls everyone to hug Iwahatsu wrapping his wings around all of them*

*Iwahatsu sighs and nuzzles Tenki*

*Tenki nuzzles close clinging to him*

*Kirishima starts sobbing while gripping onto Iwahatsu. Who is only an inch taller than Kirishima now*

*Bakugo fights back tears hugging them*

*Yasei lets out tears* "Oh oh my god! This better not be a dream!"

"It's not, don't worry"
*Iwahatsu laughs*

*Reddo cries* "Good because we cant handle it!"

"Come here, let him through..."
*Iwahatsu says pulling Reddo to himself*

*Reddo gets to Iwahatsu and clings to him. He locks himself on and squishes Tenki again.*

*Iwahatsu pushes Reddo off, then hands Tenki to Yasei. He then hugs Reddo tightly again*

*Yasei smiles holding Tenki close. He purrs to calm Tenki, to which Tenki grips onto him and hugs him tightly.*

*Reddo hugs Iwahatsu tightly* "I..I missed you much.."

"I missed you too... for 4 days..."
*Iwahatsu sighs*

*Reddo sniffles* "Oh Iwahatsu..."

"4 days?"
*Bakugo squints*
"That's... how long it's been since I was revived..."
*Iwahatsu says nervously*


*Kirishima puts a hand on Bakugos shoulder* "Katsuki...don't start. The important thing is that you're here're home and safe."

*Reddo looks at him* "Wait! Revived?"

"Ok, 1: blame Eri, 2: yeah... I was brought back to life"
*Iwahatsu says squeezing Reddo*

*Bakugo sighs* "So Eri had part in this...I wouldn't say blame her...more like thank her."

*Iwahatsu smirks, as they hug Mirios phone Rings. He looks concerned as he sees the Caller ID and walks out.*

*Amajiki follows Mirio out* "Mirio honey what's wrong?"

*He raises a finger to him letting him know to give him a second. He sighs and talks on the phone for a bit. He gets off and sighs again he  walks over to Amajiki*
"Ok... they just reported that Iwahatsu's body is missing by the hospital... even though it's been gone for about 5 days according to Eri. But they also said that 3 men that were in black clothes, and old masks went to the hospital... they went to get his body..."
*Mirio pauses*

*Amajiki gulps a bit* "Oh my...that's troubling..."

"They also killed an attendant... The only thing left of the body was dust."
*Mirio sighs*

*Amajikis eyes widen* "Oh no.."

*Mirio nods, They walk back out and Iwahatsu pushes everyone off.*
"How about I make food!"

*Bakugo smirks* "Sounds good you brat!"

*Iwahatsu steps into the kitchen but stops at the door.*
"How... did I die?"

*Bakugo follows Iwahatsu and sighs* "When the lady with clay attacked you she put clay into your lungs..and stomach.."

*Iwahatsu says with a gulped*

*Bakugo sighs* "I blame myself..I made it worse by using my quirk on her.."

"How do you know?"
*Iwahatsu says walking in and pulling out some fish and other meats*

"It hardened the clay causing more build up in your system..." *Bakugo grunts*

*Iwahatsu sighs as he places everything down.*
"I don't blame you..."

*Bakugo looks at him* "I tried to save you...I really did.."

"Exactly... all I remember is jumping over the fence then I was suddenly... in a bed with Eri over me"
*Iwahatsu says cutting the fish into strips*

*Bakugo grunts* "Well I'm happy you're back...we all are..especially Tenki.."

*Iwahatsu sighs*
*Iwahatsu calls*

*Yasei brings Tenki into the kitchen* "Here he is! The little angel."

*Tenki laughs* "Hi!"

*Iwahatsu pats the counter*
"Set him here"

*Yasei sits him on the counter*

*Tenki smiles and looks at Iwahatsu* "Yes brother?"

"Want to help?"
*Iwahatsu smirks*

*Tenki nods* "Yes!"

*Iwahatsu pushes a pot to him.*
"Lets test your reading abilities. Fill that with the cooking oil on the counter."
*Iwahatsu says cutting the marlin*

*Tenki looks for the cooking oil reading each labels then grabs the correct oil* "This one!"

*Iwahatsu looks over*
*Iwahatsu laughs seeing him grab the oil*
"Now fill the pot half way"

*Tenki smiles and fills the pot half way*

*Iwahatsu pulls the pot onto the burner and starts heating it. He pulls out some dough, and starts flatting it.*
"Here Tenki, how about you roll out this dough for dumplings"

*Tenki nods and grabs rolling pin, then rolls out the dough for dumplings*

"Has your quirk been a problem?"
*Iwahatsu says cutting up the other meats*

*Tenki nods* "Yea..."

"Just as always? Waking in the middle of the night, you having gems stuck to your hands"
*Iwahatsu says*

*Tenki nods slowly*

*Iwahatsu sighs and pats Tenki's head.*

*Tenki looks at him and smiles abit*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें