Chapter 22 | Hidden |

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*Ashton clears his throat looking at Iwahatsus shocked expression. He goes back to speaking in Japanese* "What...?"

"You... he is basically your father.."
*Iwahatsu says shaking his head*

"If he was a really my father he'd understand my children's life is precious to me..." *Ashton growls*

*Yasei sniffles* "I...I dont want to loose my babies..."

"You won't Yasei"
*Iwahatsu sighs*

*Yasei looks up at him with his sad eyes* "Really... are you sure?"

*Ashton nuzzles him* "Ill make sure of it Kitten... I am their father... other father!"

*Iwahatsu pulls out his phone. He then calls Kirishima*

*Kirishima picks up* "Hey what's up son?"

"First thing, have you heard"
*Iwahatsu says*

"Heard what?" *Kirishima asks*

"Yasei is Pregnant"
*Iwahatsu sighs pinching his nose*

"Im sorry...did you say Yasei is pregnant?" *Kirishima asks with a concerned tone*

*Iwahatsu sits down*

"Well now...thats a surprise...." *he sighs*

"Well, they want to keep the twins. But age-"
*Iwahatsu gets cut off*
*Kirishima says loudly*
"Yes, twins... now... they want to keep them. But Agent Collins wants have them aborted. He is sending someone to do it. I think, we should protect them"

*Kirishima sighs* "Okay...I'll see what I can do, but this is gonna be a big responsibility for Ashton and Yasei to raise twins.."

"They have the determination"
*Iwahatsu says*

"Then lets protect their babies at all cost.." *Kirishima says with confidence*

*Iwahatsu grunts and watches Ashton rubbing his face into Yasei's belly. He then starts licking it like he trying to bathe the unborn children*
"I think... they have that covered"
*Iwahatsu says turning back around.*

*Yasei runs his hands through Ashtons hair* "Aww you're too sweet."

"Oh do they? because this is a big responsibility.." *Kirishima says*

"Dad, I am literally watching Ashton trying to bathe the children from the outside of Yasei's belly"
*Iwahatsu grunts*

*Kirishima chuckles* "Wow really? In that case I think they can make this work just fine..with help of course."

"Well, first things first. They need to be hidden"
*Iwahatsu sighs*

"Okay" *Kirishima says*

"Get them a room in the agency?"
*Iwahatsu says looking at the two again.*

"I can make that happen, as soon as possible." *Kirishima says*

"Good, I will bring them to the building today"
*Iwahatsu says watching Ashton snuggling into the belly bump*

*Yasei purrs a bit* "So affectionate today..hehe"

"Alright Ill get their room ready see you then." *Kirishima says*

*Iwahatsu hangs up*

-end of the day-
*Iwahatsu brings the two with their stuff to the agency. Yasei is wheeling two large suitcases and Ashton is pushing a large transport box. Iwahatsu takes them inside where Ms. Thompson is waiting at the door.*
"Hello Sir, I am going to guess this is Ashton and Yasei?"
*Iwahatsu nods and motions for them to follow her. He then leaves the building, Ms. Thompson smiles at them and hands them a key.*
"This goes to C2-B73, the C2 stands for the floor label, you will be in room B73."
*She says smiling*

*Ashton smiles taking the key* "Thank you so much."

*Yasei smiles brightly rubbing his bump* "Yes thanks"

*They grab their bags and head up. They walk down the hall and find the room. They open the door and walk in. The room is spacious the walls are a tan color, there is a large window on the far side of the room that is covered by a white curtain. There is a crib next to the large King size bed in the left corner towards the door. The covers on the bed are a darker tan with two large chocolate brown stripes going across it. To the right side of the room there is a door that leads to the bathroom. The walls are a baby blue. It has two walk in closets against the wall away from the bedroom. On the wall that leads to the bedroom a large full wall mirror sits. With a room long counter, sinks on either side of it. The bathroom is accessible by two small double doors on either side. Between the closets there is a toilet and a bath shower with a white curtain. Which is slight partitioned off with a small half wall. The bedroom is covered in carpet, and even part of the bathroom. The only part not with carpet is the toilet and shower cubby which has a white tile.*

*Yasei looks around the room in awe, he walks around exploring the room. He walks over to the crib and smiles* "Eijiro thought of everything. This place is much nicer than the dorms at school."

*Ashton pushes the box in and places it in the middle of the large open play area.*
"This is a American styled room, heh.... Well, we should start getting unpacked"
*Ashton smiles looking around.*

*Yasei nods, he lays his suitcase down and unzips it* "Im excited..and very grateful for everything..I really have never felt this happy in my life."

"You have your bag and mine. So, I'll get our posters and other stuff out of the box"
*Ashton laughs, he opens the box and pulls out the framed posters and starts lining them against the wall.*

*Yasei chuckles pulling out his clothes and refolding them* "I can't wait to get some baby clothes...and little shoes for them! Aww its gonna be so cute!"

"Yeah... how about we go get some tonight?"
*Ashton chuckles*
"That wouldn't be a good idea. It is best to wait for them to be born."
*A familiar calming male voice says behind them at the door.*

*Yasei looks towards the door to see Kirishima* "Oh hello!"

"Wait till they are born... it is because of how baby clothes are made. Right now, summer clothes are in the works. But, they are possibly going to be born in December. So... actually... I would go get clothes... never mind it would be cheeper... I'll go with you, I need to get out of the building today anyway"
*Kirishima says with a chuckle rubbing his head*

*Yasei claps his hands in excitement* "Yay! Shopping trip!"

*Kirishima chuckles*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum