Chapter 15 | Faceless |

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*Kirishima answers his phone* "Hello?"

"This is the hospital on **** and ******* we have your son Tenki"

*Kirishima gasps* "What!? What happened!? Is he ok!?"

"He had zero zinc in his system. His face was completely shattered, he is in emergency surgery"

*Kirishima sighs* "I'm on my way..." *He hangs up the phone* "Zero zinc in his system, how can that be if he knows to take his meds.." *Kirishima says to himself as he leaves the house*

*Bakugo lands on the front porch as he open the door. He is in his hero suit.*

"Hey! We have to go to the hospital apparently Tenki is in emergency surgery! Because his face shattered from no zinc in his body.." *Kirishima says panicked*

"What? That's impossible. I have been grinding down zinc pills and putting it in his food"
*Bakugo growls*

"I know! I think the only one who can explain to us is Tenki.." *Kirishima says with a sad look on his face*

*Bakugo has Kirishima jump on his back. Then he blasts his way to the hospital.*

*Kirishima clings to Bakugo*

*They land at the hospital door and run in*

*Kirishima runs to the front desk* "Hi I'm here for Tenki Bakugo.."

"Ok, he is still in emergency surgery"
*The attendant says*

"Okay.." *Kirishima says and he goes to take his seat*

*Bakugo sits with him.*

*Kirishima clings to Bakugos arm* "My poor could this have happened we did everything right.."

"I don't know... how about I go to the school"
*Bakugo says hugging him.*

*Kirishima nods* "Okay.."

*Bakugo gets up and heads to the school.*

*As Bakugo arrives he kicks open the front doors with a loud boom, the glass in them shatters just from him kicking it. The nurse and headmaster can be seen talking in the hallway. And when Bakugo kicks in the doors they jump* "She did what?!" *The headmaster yells*

*Bakugo roars so loud it echoes in the hall as well as explosions from his hands*

*The headmaster jumps and looks at Bakugo* "h-hi Ground Zero... um... Apparently from what the nurse was telling me and that the students claim is that Tenki's homeroom teacher Nagai Teruko beat him with a cane also one of the students say she also been throwing away his zinc tablets out the window..which lead to the cracking of his face."

*Bakugo roars making more explosions*

*The headmaster and nurse move aside to reveal Kezuru standing there with a sad look on his face* "Go on Kezuru tell Tenki's father what you have been doing."

*Kezuru sighs* "I..I been eating his lunch.."

*Bakugo yells*

*Kezuru sighs* "I..I dont know.."

*The headmaster sighs* "Apparently this one is a bully to your son but dont worry I already sent a message to his father.."

*Bakugo says surprised and frustrated*

*The headmaster nods* "Tell him what you have been doing Kezuru.."

*Kezuru sighs* "I..I took his gummies and ate them then I beat him up and pick on him.."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant