Chapter 16 | A Cane, A Hammer, And a Bitch |

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-The next day-

*Tenki was able to go home. Iwahatsu was ran through with the plan. Bakugo, Kirishima, and Iwahatsu walk up to the school in their hero suits. Police and a ambulance are there waiting. Tenki was left home but was to come later in the day.*

*Bakugo cracks his knuckles* "Ready to teach this teacher a lesson?"

*Iwahatsu raises the mallet and pats it in his hand*
"I sure am"

*Kirishmia grunts holding the cane* "Ready!"

*Bakugo smirks* "Let's do this this boys.."

"We forgot the bat... shit... whatever"
*Iwahatsu grunts*

*Bakugo growls* "Dont worry I'm sure we will get our point across fine without it.."

*Iwahatsu nods as the three walk into school. The headmaster is waiting there. He leads them to the teachers room. She is there working on papers . She hears the door open she marks a couple things, she doesn't look up*
"I'm busy, come bother me later please."
*She says, Iwahatsu squints, he walks up and slams the hammer down on the desk.*

*Bakugo smirks* "I'm sorry our business here just cant wait til later.."

*She jumps looking up at them all wide eyed* "what the hell!?"

"We have a problem with you, and a lesson to teach... so we are going to wait for your class to arrive"
*Iwahatsu growls pulling the hammer off*

"E..Excuse me..?" *She looks at them*

*Bakugo growls* "He didn't stutter!"

*Iwahatsu growls again and slams the hammer against the table again. Which causes the papers to fly away*

*She looks at him and growls* "Hey! I was grading those!"

*Bakugo grunts* "Can it bitch!"

-30 minutes later-

*The children come into the room. They all look confused with the police outside. They see the hero's and look more confused. Once everyone arrives, Bakugo grabs the teacher by the arm and moves her to the front.*
"Attention class, your teacher has been revoked of tenure and fired. She is now under our control. So, we learned that she has been caning you. Is this correct?!"
*Bakugo says in a serious tone*

*The kids all nod at once*

*Ms Teruko struggles against Bakugo* "They are just children! Kids lie all the time!"

*Kirishima yells*

*She gulps* "Lies all lies!"

*Iwahatsu yells slamming the hammer into her stomach. Which causes her to puke up a bit, the smell of alcohol fills the room right away.*

*She growls in pain. Bakugo throws her on the floor with added explosion* "You're gonna regret the day you hurt these kids!"

*Kirishima hits her with a cane* "You beat a child with a cane so let's see if you like it!"

*she rolls out of the way on her own vomit. Iwahatsu places a foot on her upper chest as she moves. Then he slams the hammer into her again. The class starts cheering as she vomits more onto herself*

*Kirishima swings down the cane on her* "Hows that feel!?"

*Bakugo kicks her in the stomach*

*Iwahatsu goes to hit her again. But Bakugo stops him, He smirks takes the cane and holds it up and looks to the class.*

*Kezuru shoots up his hand immediately* "Oh! Oh! Me! Me!! Please pick me!!"

*Bakugo picks on someone else. They come up and smack her with the cane. She screams in pain, then Bakugo calls for another and they come up and hits her with the hammer. One by one the kids come up and hit her. By the time Kezuru comes up she is really bruised and beaten. He takes the cane, he hits her several times, Kirishima stops him.*
"We don't want her dead"
*Kezuru nods he looks at her up and down.*
-cut to the Headmaster-

*The headmaster is talking to police when the teachers scream can be heard louder than normal. They glance at each other, the police frown and they start to walk towards the room. The headmaster tailing behind them at a distance. The police slide open the door and immediately shut it. One of them hold their stomach a bit.*
"Why did I join the police.... I never did well with blood.."

*The other officer turns around a bit and sighs*

*The headmaster walks up to the door, but the officer grabs his hand.*
"You don't want to see what happened..."

"What on earth do you mean?" *The headmaster says ripping out their grasp.*

"Just trust me.... it is not a pretty sight to behold"
*They say with a sigh.*

*The headmaster becomes worried this time and slides open the door. To see the cane coming out the bottom of her. Then Kezuru kicks the cane in farther. She screams*
"Y..You brat!!"

*The headmaster shuts the door fast and starts walking away*

*Kirishima punches her*
*Bakugo walks up, and he shows her a pink paper*
"Your walking papers"

*She growls* "No..they cant fire me!"

"You violated your tenure"
*Bakugo growls*
"You have been drinking on the job. I can smell the alcohol on your breath. And in the room now since you puked"
*Iwahatsu growls*

*She growls* "Lies!"

*Bakugo grabs her face and opens her mouth and sniffs*
"Yep alcohol"

*She attempts to bite Bakugo* "Get your dirty hands off me!"

*Bakugo grips her jaw tighter and explodes it.*

*They drag her out of the classroom. The headmaster watches them with a disgusted look as they walk by. Then a new teacher walks up not before mocking the old one for a second. The new teacher slides open the door and walks in*

*The new teacher looks at the students* "Hello children I'm Ms Roth."

*Kezuru walks back to his seat*

*Ms. Roth smiles at them* "How about we just use this day to relieve our emotions and do some crafts!"

*The class cheers*

*Ms. Roth gets out art supplies and construction papers. Iwahatsu comes back in and cleans up the puke and blood on the floor. He also sprays Air freshener to get rid of the alcohol smell. He then leaves following Bakugo and Kirishima.*

-cut to the next day-
*Iwahatsu walks into the halls of UA. Yasei, has a little bit of a tummy. Ashton is holding him, Yasei's face is a shade of green.*
"Uhh, what's going on?"
*Iwahatsu asks walking up*

*Yasei holds his mouth like hes about to puke*

*Ashton sighs* "We arent sure..."

*Iwahatsu rolls his eyes and walk into class. Waka walks into class looking annoyed as hell. She has a large belly, she hadn't been seen for the whole year till now.*

*She sneers and huffs taking her seat*

*Kinzoku walks in* "Dude I just saw Yasei puking in the hall and all over Ashtons shirt!"

"Oh yeah, look at Waka"
*Iwahatsu laughs smugly*

*Kinzoku looks at Waka and laughs a bit* "Looks like someone bit off more than they can chew.."

*Waka growls, she looks away and starts crying*

*Kinzoku laughs*

*Ashton walks into class a short time later wearing only his undershirt, and his work out pants * "Well someone missed the garbage can...but it's alright Kopīshifu will be taking him to recovery girl to get a diagnosis..."

*Iwahatsu nods to him.*

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