Chapter 28 | My Tiny Crush |

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*The attendant growls and smashes their hands on the ground. Suddenly the ground behind them morphs up and blocks the way.*

*Shoto looks around trying to find an exit, he panics a bit*

*Bakugo pushes Deku into Shouto's arms. He walks up and goes to blast their face.*

*Shoto holds Deku close*

*The attendant slaps Bakugo.*

*Shoto stomps his right foot on the ground forming ice that shoots out at the attendant*

*The attendant gets frozen and they run to the door. Bakugo smashes the wall that blocks the door with his gauntlet. But as they exit the door, there is an explosion of ice.*

*Shoto growls shielding Deku from ice particles*

*The ice shoots out flying. It smashes into Bakugo and Shoto*

*Shoto activates his flames in attempt to melt the ice*

*The ice melt and it leaves hole in Shoto's back*

*Shoto growls in pain* "F..fuck.."

*Bakugo grabs the two and starts running.*

*Shoto hangs on, trying to stay awake*

-Cut to Tenki playing with Kezuru-

*They are in school, and it is currently play time. Tenki starts giggling as he pretends to be on the plank*

*Kezuru sighs a bit* "You have to act scared, silly."

*Tenki giggles more*

*Kezuru smiles at him* "You're too giggly"

*Tenki takes a breath and tries to act scared*

*Kezuru smiles* "There you go now...any last words before I feed you to the sharks!?"

*Tenki sinks a bit*
'Should I say something? Should I tell him?'

*Kezuru looks at him* "Out with it, you bubbly scallywag!

"My last words?..."
*Tenki's hearts sinks, but he takes a breath. He then giggles at an idea*
"Only that the captain of this ship was my crush."
*Then Tenki turns around to face Kezuru and falls off the table into a pile of pillows*

*Kezurus face breaks out in a deep red blush* "Uh..uh.."

*Tenki smiles up at him*

*Kezuru looks down at him with the blush still on his face* " mean that or you just pretending?"

*Tenki giggles*
"That's not p-pretend"

*Kezuru smiles a little* "oh..okay.."

*Tenki says nervously*

*Kezuru looks at him, the blush still on his face. He nods slowly at Tenki* "I think I like you too.."

*Tenki holds his arms out to him*

*Kezuru slides off the table falling next to Tenki*

*Tenki giggles*

*Kezuru smiles at Tenki*

"You... um"
*Tenki says a tad confused*
"You like me?"

*Kezuru nods* "Yea.."

"Alright class, playtime is over"
*The teacher says walking into the room. She has a few books with her.*

*Kezuru sighs and gets up he holds out his hand to Tenki*

*Tenki takes it and they walk to Tenki's desk. As Kezuru sits down his crew looks at him confused*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant