Chapter 4 | Not Looking Good |

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*Kirishima nods to Bakugo's suggestion and hands Tenki off to him. He walks into the room. Iwahatsu is hooked up to several machines and drips. 4 Tubes going through his chest. There is a set hooked to the oxygen machine, and the other set hooked to a liquid clear. The set from the clear has a liquid going through the tube, but on the other side the liquid is brown and gross as it comes out. The other set hooked to the other side is pumping oxygen into Iwahatsu's body. He is also hooked up to a blood cleaning machine.*

*Kirishima gasps quietly in shock, he walks closer to Iwahatsus bedside*

*Iwahatsu is still unconscious, the heart rate monitor is beeping slowly. There is another showing his brain wave patterns. They are quite low, showing that he may be close to death*

*Kirishima tears up* "You have to fight this Iwahatsu..please...we cant lose you..."

*His brain waves spike slightly*

*Kirishima touches his hand gently* "I know you're're so can bounce back from anything..please can fight this.."

*The brain waves spike much higher to the touch.*

*Kirishima looks the monitor, he gently squeezes his hand* "Hes fighting..that's my boy keep fighting.."

*The spike drop but is higher and are stable there*

*Kirishima sighs* "I believe you're gonna be ok Iwahatsu..I know it.."

*There is a knock at the door.*

*Kirishima goes to the door and opens it*

*Bakugo is standing there, holding Tenki*

"Hes fighting..when I first came in his brain waves where very low but now they are higher and stable.." *Kirishima sighs*

*Kirishima glances at the monitor and they went down.*

"It only seems to go up when someone is here talking to him..and holding his hand.." *He sighs*

*Bakugo looks a bit upset*
"Then... maybe.. Tenki should go in then..."
*Bakugo sighs*

*Kirishima thinks for a bit* "Yes..come in both of you..Tenki be strong ok?"

*Tenki nods slightly* "I'll try papa.."

*They walk in and Tenki see Iwahatsu's condition*

*Tenki looks at Iwahatsu with a worry look* "Brother..."

*The wave jumps slightly.*

*Tenki cries out* "Brother!"

*Kirishima takes Tenki from Bakugo and brings him closer to Iwahatsu*

*The waves spike a little more. Bakugo walks over and gulps looking at Iwahatsu*

*Tenki looks at Iwahatsu and sniffles a bit* "Please wake up brother..."

*Kirishima holds Tenki close*

"He probably won't for a long time Tenki...."
*Kirishima sighs*

"But he has too! He's the strongest person I know!" *Tenki sniffles*

*The waves are spiking more and more as Tenki cry's*

*Tenki cries* "I want brother to be ok...I want him to come home.."

*Kirishima holds Tenki close* "We all do, sweetie.."

*Bakugo walks over and grabs Iwahatsu's hand*
"I do too Tenki..."

*Tenki keeps crying*

*Kirishima tries to comfort him*

*The brain waves spike to their highest*

*Tenki clings to Kirishima* " up.."

*Kirishima wipes his own tears*

*The waves spike higher and higher*
"Ten........ Tenki......."
*Bakugo can feel Iwahatsu starting to grip his hand*

*Tenki looks up when he hears his name, tears falling down his face*

*Bakugo looks down* "I..Iwahatsu?"

*Iwahatsu shifts slightly*

*Tenki looks at Iwahatsu* "Brother....Brother!"

*Kirishima moves closer to Iwahatsus bedside*

*Tenki starts flailing a bit trying to get into the bed*

*Kirishima sighs* "Hold on Tenki you have to be gentle.." *Kirishima gently places Tenki on the bed to where he won't disturb any medical devices*

*Tenki immediately locks onto Iwahatsu's waist*

*Tenki nuzzles close to Iwahatsu* "Wake up brother..come home with us.."

*Kirishima rubs his eyes*

*Bakugo holds out a hand to Kirishima*

*Kirishima grabs his hand immediately and squeezes it, more tears begin falling from his eyes*

-1 hour later-
*The waves are still spiked. There is a knock at door*

*Kirishima walks over to the door and opens it* "Hello?"

*There is a doctor at the door.*
"I am here to check on him"

*Kirishima nods letting the doctor come in*

*The doctor walks in and stops when he sees the sight. The sight of Bakugo, and Tenki, the smaller gripping to Iwahatsu. He walks over and checks the machines. As he changes out the cleaner, Tenki starts balling again. He sighs he then hears the brain wave monitor beep slightly. He looks up and sees that the monitor is at an average brain wave.*
*They all can hear Iwahatsu say very weakly. The doctor looks at Iwahatsu in shock*

*Tenki cries* "Brother!!"

*Kirishima keeps looking at Iwahatsu* "I..Iwahatsu..?"

"He is stabilizing..."
*The doctor says in shock.*
"But... we cant expect this to last"

*Bakugo growls* "It will last your doubts mean nothing and are nothing...he will beat this..."

*Tenki cries out again* "Brother!!!"

*The doctor sighs a bit.*
"It's getting late... how about you head to sleep in the other bed"

*Bakugo nods* "Okay.."

*Tenki keeps crying*

*Kirishima try's to pull Tenki off of Iwahatsu. But he keeps himself locked on tightly*

*Bakugo puts a hand on Kirishima's shoulder* "leave him..I believe he's helping."

*Kirishima nods and walks over to the bed. He lays down with Bakugo.*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang