Chapter 20 | Ill Take Them |

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*As Iwahatsu walks out the door of the police station he can see Ashton and Bakugo running up to the building*

"You got here fast"
*Iwahatsu grunts*

"Yea so Dragon boy.... here was telling me you all... came in contact with... a drug dealer who gave you some drugs... and this is the station a couple of blocks... from the agency.." *Bakugo pants a bit*

"Not me, Amaiyaka"
*Iwahatsu sighs as he walks up*

*Bakugo grunts, and stands up* "I see well, you all need to stop skipping school just fucking call me when any of you all get in trouble.."

*Ashton lowers his ears and mumbles* "I have a feeling I'll be missing a lot of school soon anyways.."

"I told him to come get you... also Yasei is pregnant"
*Iwahatsu says as they walk.*

*Bakugo stops in his tracks and yells* "HES WHAT!?"

*Ashton lowers his ears further down* "oh shit here it comes..."

"He's the father... other father"
*Iwahatsu says pointing at Ashton*

*Bakugo grabs Ashtons shirt collar yanking him* "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO YOU FUCKASS!?"

*Ashton growls* "IT WASN'T MY FAULT! Entirely exactly..."

"Some lady had used their quirk on him. But, it was an attack... so he had no idea."
*Iwahatsu sighs*

*Bakugo let's Ashton go* "Fucking hell...ok..listen kid prepare yourself for hell cause it's coming whether you like it or not..also I assume you like some assistance with the baby?"

*Ashton sighs* "It's...uh actually twins..haha.."

*Bakugo's face goes white*
"Yep twins... do you have the ultrasound photo Ashton?"
*Iwahatsu asks*

*Ashton pulls out the photo handing to Bakugo* "There they are...cute hu?"

*Bakugo looks at it, his face cools a bit*
"Oh... he isn't that far... you can still get rid of them."

*Ashton growls* "OH HELL NO! I'm not fucking aborting my kids! Nor is Yasei! Hes really excited..dont fucking take that away from him!"

"Alright then"
*Bakugo smirks*

*Ashton ears perk up* "Wow really? I thought you were gonna say 'shut the fuck up dragon boy you dont know shit about parenting'."

"Oh, once they are born I'll just take them."
*Bakugo says, starting to walk away.*

*Ashton sighs* "I may be highly protective of them, it is instinct so just watch out..and Yasei too.."

*Bakugo stops and looks at him*
"What was that?"

*Ashton grunts* "I said I'll be highly protective of my watch out!"

*Bakugo looks at Iwahatsu who is giving him a
'Try bitch' look*

*Ashton lowers his ears and the hair on his tail puffs up in anger. He lets out a low growl* "Dont you fucking dare..."

*Bakugo sighs*
"You will have to prove it! That you will be a good father to them! When are they due?"

*Ashton nods* "I'll prove it."

*Iwahatsu looks at Ashton curiously*
"When are they due?"

*Ashton thinks for a bit* "Let's see recovery girl says hes 2 months pregnant sometime in December."

*Iwahatsu Smirks*

*Ashton looks at him* "What's with the face..?"

"Nothing, I am just trying to imagine you with kids"
*Iwahatsu laughs*

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