Chapter 26 | Dust |

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*The smaller sighs and starts cleaning.*
"So, you want to go into support huh?"
*Iwahatsu asks*

*He nods slowly* "Y..Yea.."

"So what's your name?"
*Iwahatsu grunts*

"Ren Hyōmen.." *He says quietly*

*Iwahatsu looks over at him.*
"Iwahatsu Bakugo"

"Nice to meet you." *He gives a small smile*

"So, who is Hikaji to you?"
*Iwahatsu says cleaning*

" boyfriend.." *Ren sighs*

"Ah, so why is he so controlling of where you can go?"
*Iwahatsu asks calmly*

"Hes just protective of me that's all..." *Ren says quietly*

*Iwahatsu continues to clean. Then a guy bursts in and runs up to Ren.*

*Ren jumps a bit* "He was just here a second ago, he left thought he didnt say where he was going."

*The guy runs out and runs down the hall. He passes Kinzoku, when he runs into the room he is cleaning in. He runs up to Hikaji.*
"HIKAJI!! I need more of that new one!!"

*Hikaji covers his mouth* "Shhh! Not so loud dumbass.."

*Hikaji and the guy walk out. Kinzoku squints and follows to the door. He presses his ear against the door to listen in.*
"Dude, the stuff is amazing!! Go I can't go a while without it."

"I know, I know, that's what all my customers are saying." *Hikaji grunts*

*Kinzoku squints*
'He is Hikaji the drug dealer?'
*The guy starts shaking heavily. He then falls to the floor and starts convulsing*

*Hikaji growls* "You dumbass...I told you only small took the whole damn thing..."

*The guys mouth starts foaming and he starts coughing*

*Hikaji sighs* "You put this on yourself..I warned you."

*Kinzoku backs away from the door and keeps cleaning. Then Hikaji walks back into the room.*

*Hikaji sighs*

*Reddo walks down the hall a little later looking at his phone. He then finds the guy on the ground.*
*The guy is not moving at all.*

*The guys eyes are open wide and cloudy, foam can be seen coming from his mouth*

*Reddo gulps and tries to pick him up. He is much lighter than he looks. But as he picks him up. His hands pass through him and his body starts to dissolve.*

*The boy turns to a grey colored dust falling through Reddos hands*

*Reddo's eyes widen and he stands slowly and starts running.*

*Reddo ends up running into Honō. Honō grabs his shoulders before he falls over* "Hey dude where's the fire?"

"Dead... guy... turned to dust"
*Reddo stammers out*

"What...?" *Honō looks at him with concern*

"I need to get to Iwahatsu"
*He says standing*

*Honō nods* "Lets go."

*Reddo starts running to the support room.*

*Honō follows*

*Reddo runs into the room. He then latches to Iwahatsu.*
"Hatsu! There's a dead guy!! He dissolved into dust!!"

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