Chapter 61 | Rivalry |

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*Yasei walks into the medical room. He sits down with Oliver in his lap.*

*Oliver chirps happily, he looks around curiously*

*Yasei pulls him up to see that Olivers eyes have become a light purple color*

*Yasei smiles sweetly* "Purple just like daddy!~ you're like a mini Ashton~"

*Oliver chirps happily as a Doctor walks in.*

*Doctor looks at them* "Oh hello how can I be of assistance today."

"Oh, my son got a cut down his leg that's bleeding"
*Yasei says walking up*

"Oh dear let's clean that up right did it happen if you doing mind me asking?" *The doctor says while getting soft cloth*

"There was a bird that flew into our room. It started attacking me and my partner. It then tried to take young Oliver"
*Yasei says lying*

"A bird? How did it get in your room?" *They ask while running the cloth under cold water*

"It came out of the vent... most likely went through the vents on the roof"
*Yasei sighs*

"I'll inform the staff about that, maybe we can have those vents sealed off to the point no wildlife can get in. can't have birds attacking more innocent people.." *The doctor says walking over to them and bending over to clean off Oliver's leg and remove the wrapping* "This might feel cold but it won't hurt, it's just water."

*Oliver chirps, the Doctor can see just how deep the cut is. Which is fairly deep, it is deep enough that nerves would be cut. But, there is barely any blood and the wound is visibly healing*

*The doctor looks at Oliver and Yasei* "Strange...I'm surprised that he isn't bleeding out and the wound is healing itself..but to help it along I'll put some antibiotic cream and wrap it up. I wouldn't be surprised if it completely healed by the end of day."

*Yasei looks confused*

"Do you or your partner have any self healing related quirks?" *The doctor asks*

"I don't think so..."
*Yasei says thinking*

"Weird.." *The doctor says*

*Oliver chirps as he bandaged up*

*The doctor smiles at Oliver* "Cute little guy."

"He has a twin"
*Yasei says*

"Oh that's wonderful." *The doctor smiles*

*Yasei frowns a bit as he is thinking*

"Are you alright sir?" *They ask*

*Yasei nods and he takes Oliver back.*

*The doctor pick up a clipboard* "Oh it says that I have twins scheduled for DNA testing, are they the twins?"

*Yasei nods*
"They were both born yesterday morning... but this one seems to be developing at an extreme rate"

"Interesting. Have the other one brought in and we can begin the testing." *The doctor smiles*

*Yasei nods and pulls out his phone. Then he calls Ashton.*

*Ashtons phone rings, he picks it up and answers* "Hey Kitten."

"Can you bring Orochi up to the Medical room?"
*Yasei says holding Oliver*

"Sure I'll be right over and Orochi has a surprise for you heh." *Ashton smiles*

*Yasei smiles and hangs up.*

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