Chapter 19 | Drug Ring? |

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*The Hatsusquad are sitting at their table for lunch. Yasei is still thinking about a name for his unborn children. After a minute a guy walks up to the table.*

*Reddo looks up at the guy* "Hello?"

*The guy is in a large coat.*
"Would you be interested in something good?"

*Reddo looks at him with confusion* "Such as..?"

*The guy walks over to Reddo and opens his jacket.*
"Choose one, on the house"

*Reddo looks at what appears to be small bags with pills and powders in them* "Uh..what are they..?"

"The good stuff"
*The guy says quietly*

*Reddo hesitantly grabs a bag*

*The guy closes the jacket and walks away. Ashton looks at the bag and growls*

*Reddo looks at Ashton* "You smell something in this?"

"It's drugs"
*Ashton growls*

*Reddo puts it on the table* "oh..."

*Yasei gasps*
"I know what to name them!! Orochi!"

*Ashton smiles* "just like that pop-culture legend. Yamata-No-Orochi, and it works because they probably have my dragon parts."

*Yasei snuzzles closer Ashton.*
*Iwahatsu growls*

*Reddo hands it to Iwahatsu* "Here...evidence.."

*Ashton nuzzles Yasei, his tail wags slightly*

*Iwahatsu growls and takes it.*

*Ashton sniffs towards the drugs and growls more*

"It mixed with different ones..I cant tell.." *Ashton snarls*

*Iwahatsu sighs and looks at the bag*

*Ashton nuzzles Yasei as Yasei nuzzles back*

*Reddo keeps eating looking at Ashton and Yasei occasionally with slight jealousy*

*Iwahatsu put the bag away, he keeps eating, rolling his eyes at Reddo. A security guard walks to the table and up to Reddo.*
"Empty your pockets Amaiyaka Reddo"

*Reddo stands and empties his pockets* "May I ask why?"

"We got a tip that you just bought contraband"
*The guard says digging through Reddo's pockets*

*Reddo raises an eyebrow* "Uh...okay?"

"more specifically drugs"
*The guards says*

*Reddo gulps*

*Iwahatsu growls*
"I grabbed it, I am going to take it to the Baku'ishima later."

"Oh so you're the one with the drug then, stand up sir I'm detaining you." *The guard says*

*Reddo widens his eyes* "Wait no!"

"Fuck no"
*Iwahatsu growls staying in place*

"Excuse me, sir if you dont comply with my orders I'm gonna have to arrest you and charge you with drug possession and resisting arrest.." *The guard growls*

*Reddo growls* "No! Arrest me I'm the one who had the drugs first!"

*Iwahatsu pulls out his wallet*

*The guard looks at him* "One last chance sir or I'll use force."

*Iwahatsu goes to pull out his card. But the security guard grabs him.*

*The guard pulls him up out of his seat. He then pins Iwahatsu onto the table and cuffs him* "I gave you a chance but you didnt comply!"

*Iwahatsu growls as he slammed into the table.*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now