Chapter 17 | Twins |

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-cut to Yasei-
*He is being dragged to the nurse by Kopīshifu*
"I'm sorry that you have to do this!"

*Kopīshifu looks at him* "It's fine! You're sick. I'm worried about must have eaten something really bad...your stomach looks bloated.."

*Yasei roars angrily for no reason*

*Kopīshifu looks at him with a confused look* "Whoa...settle down..just telling the truth.."

"I don't know what's wrong!"
*He says upset*

*Kopīshifu hugs him* "Its ok..its ok..we are gonna figure this out.." *She leads him to recovery girls office and opens the door* "Hello recovery girl?"

*Recovery girl looks at them* "Oh no dont tell me he got into another fight.."

*Yasei says entering the door. But after a moment he starts crying.
"I'M SORRY!!!"

*Kopīshifu sighs* "He's been doing this all morning..and he's also been throwing up. His stomach is bloated as you can see..think he ate some bad Soba.."

*Recovery girl looks at him* "Uh there there dearie it's ok..just come take a seat..we'll run a few tests and an ultrasound to see what's bothering your stomach.."

*Yasei nods and lays down*

*Recovery girl pulls out the ultrasound machine, she turns it on. She lifts up Yaseis shirt* "Oh my you are a little bloated..let's see what's the problem." *She grabs a bottle of gel and squirts it on Yasei's stomach and places the ultrasound probe on his stomach. She begins to move it around, she then pauses at one spot* "Oh oh my..."

*Yasei says worried*

"That explains your sudden outbursts of emotions and the throwing up...Yasei dearie.... you're... um pregnant.." *Recovery girl says concerned*

*Kopīshifu looks at them shocked*

*Yasei gasps* "I'M WHAT!?"

*Recovery girl nods and points at the ultrasound screen* "Yes... you're pregnant... and with twins it looks like.."

*Kopīshifu stomps out of the room. She walks down the hall, heading towards class 1-A. She gets to the door, then she practically kicks the door down. Aizawa jumps and looks at the door, seeing Kopīshifu. She stomps into the room. She points at Ashton who is towards the front of the class.*

*Ashtons ears perk up fast then lower when the whole class turns and stares at him* "I-I did what now!?"

*Aizawa pinched his nose* "If you are gonna argue take it out of the room!"

*Kopīshifu grabs one of his ears and starts dragging him out.*

*Ashton gets dragged looks back at his friends and mouths* 'help me!'

*Kinzoku tries to keep from laughing* "Holy shit man..!" *Iwahatsu just watches as he gets dragged off. Kūki doesn't bother to look as she is focusing too much on her notes. Kangaeta just woken up and missed it.

*She throws him into the hall.*

"!? Hes a boy thats biologically impossible!" *Ashton tries to defend himself*

"I don't know, BUT YOU HAVE TWINS!!"
*Kopīshifu shouts and starts dragging him to the nurse*

"TWINS!? Oh...oh no..." *Ashton basically let's her drag him*

*She gets back to the nurses office. She then throws Ashton in. Yasei see him and smiles widely*
"BABY!!!! I am going to have our babies!!"

*Ashtons ears perk up. He looks at Yasei then at the ultrasound machine* "Oh wow..yea..those are babies alright.."

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now