Chapter 5 | Goodbye |

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-3 am-

*In the dead of the night, Tenki is awoken to the sound of a flatline*

*Tenki looks at Iwahatsu, then to the monitor, which just has a single line. Looks at it confused, he crawls farther up. He sighs and lays his head back down on Iwahatsu's chest. He focuses his hearing listening for his heart beat. He doesn't hear one and looks up at Iwahatsu again. His face is cold, still nothing moving. He looks at the brain activity monitor. That is flat as well, he feels his stomach drop and he starts to cry. He turns to the sleeping Bakugo and Kirishima.* "PAPA'S!!!! SOMETHING'S WRONG!!!!!"

*Bakugo and Kirishima jump up, they hear the flatline. Kirishima's stomach drops, he looks at Bakugo who has a horrified look on his face. They get over and walk over, Kirishima places a hand on Iwahatsu's face which is starting to get cold. Kirishima looks over Iwahatsu and starts to cry heavily*

*Bakugo growls and runs out of the room and shouts down the hall* "CAN I GET A DOCTOR IN HERE NOW!?!?"

*There are doctors and nurses running to the door already. They barge in and start trying to work on him. Tenki is pulled off and pushed into Bakugo's arms. A nurse pushes the three out of the room. They are forced into the main room where they go and sit down in the lobby. Tenki looks up at his fathers.*
"What's wrong with Iwahatsu?!"
*Tenki says upset, sensing that what the problem is. It is not a good thing that happened.*
*Kirishima says whimpers out*
"He's... he's..."
*Bakugo hugs the two tightly and starts crying.*
"Is... Iwahatsu......"
*Tears start forming Tenki's eyes*
"Is he dead?"
*Bakugo looks down at Tenki, to whom the tears are threatening to fall down his face. All Bakugo can do is nod to Tenki.*
"He's... d-dead?!"
*Tenki says and starts crying heavily.*
*Tenki cry's out*
"He is... our boy is dead"
*Kirishima cry's into Bakugo's shoulder. Tenki crawls closer to them and hugs onto them. Which they hold onto Tenki, bring him closer in the tear filled hug.*
'He can't be dead.. he is my big brother... he can die...'
*Tenki thinks to himself*

-2 hours later-

*A doctor walks in and walks up*
"He... didn't make it"

*Tenki cries out* "NO! NO! NO! YOU'RE LYING!!!"

*Bakugo clings to Tenki* "Tenki calm down.."

*The doctor sighs*
"I wish I was... but... The Hero Grenadier is dead"

*Tenki struggles out of Bakugos arms* "NOOOO!!!!!"

*Kirishima takes Tenki and takes him outside. The doctor leads Bakugo to the morgue*

-Jump to April 28th-

*The news that Grenadier died spread across the media. The school held a ceremony for him. Reddo walks into the Cafeteria after the ceremony. He sits down and starts crying again at his table*

*Yasei walks over to Reddo and gently touches his shoulder. As Reddo turns to face him, he can see Yaseis eyes are stained with tears. Yasei holds out his arms to Reddo to comfort him*

*Reddo standings and hugs him still crying*
"I miss him..."

*Yasei hugs him tears begin falling from his eyes* "We all do..."

*Kumo walks up*
"Why you crying Faggots"

*Yasei growls through his tears* "Fuck off cloud prick.."

"Oh, I'm so threatened"
*Kumo says tauntingly*
"You have no bodyguard sense Iwahatsu disappeared"

*Yasei hisses* "I can protect myself! Plus if you mess with me or any of us Holt will kick your homophobic ass!"

"Right, that screw head Faggot.... like he would hurt me if he knows what's good for him"
*Kumo taunts*

*Yasei growls like a wolf his hair puffs up in anger* "Don't call him that! You don't know him like I do!"

"He's a monster, that's all I need to know"
*Kumo growls*
"He is an abomination, not an unnatural quirk barer"
*Kumo says turns around*

*Yasei transforms his hand into a lion's claw and lunges on Kumos back* "I'll make you eat those words!"

*Kumo blasts him the face with cloud and dodges his swing*

*Yasie falls off rubbing his eyes* "you bastard!"

*Reddo grabs Yasei*
"He blinds you... I don't think you have been hit by him."

*Yasei growls* "I'll kill him. I'm tired of the shit he says about me and Ashton. I'm tired of his group of anti gays tormenting us! This is fucking war.."

"Warfare? Like you could win."
*A tall guy with brown swooped hair says walking up*

*Yasei looks at him* "Watch me.."

*The guys walks up*
"The names Kenji."
*He then places a hand on Yasei's face and makes him fall asleep*

*Yasei drifts off to sleep*

*Reddo looks at Yasei* "What did you do to him?"

"Oh, he seemed a bit tired... I just used my quirk Gay Shit!"
*Kenji says walking away with Kumo*

*Reddo growls* "Fuckers..this is war.." *He picks up Yasei to search for Ashton*

*He walks down a hall to find Kinzoku at a bathroom door*
"Ashton dude... you got to stop crying at the door"

"Did he lock himself in the unisex bathroom again?" *Reddo asks as he hears sobbing and claws scratching against the door*

*Kinzoku sighs*
"Yeah... He also... Keeps saying that Iwahatsu didn't disappear"

*Reddo sighs* "let him will only keep him going temporary.."

*Ashton slams open the door, tears running down his face and shouts* "I'm certain though!"

*Yasei walks into the bathroom and shuts the door. Reddo sighs and grabs Kinzoku's hand and pulls him into a private area.*
*Reddo sniffles*
"I have to tell you something"

*Kinzoku looks at him* "What's up dude?"

"Iwahatsu... was Grenadier..."
*Reddo says with a small sob*

*Kinzoku eyes widen* "W..what?"

"Iwahatsu died..."
*Reddo cry's*

*Kinzoku pulls Reddo into a hug and begins to sob* "No...please..we..we lost both of them...?"

"Yeah... he was a great hero..."
*Reddo sobs*

*Kinzoku cries* "Hes not coming back...I cant believe it...our friend..shit man...

*Reddo keeps crying*
"He... was also..."

*Kinzoku looks at Reddo* "Yes...?"

"My boyfriend..."
*Reddo sobs*

*Kinzoku hugs Reddo tighter* "Im so sorry so sorry..."

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