Chapter 12 | Tenki's First Day of School |

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*Tenki is led to the classroom by the teacher.*

*As Tenki enters the room he can see kids playing and laughing before class starts*

*Tenki walks in, he gets really nervous but he shakes it off.*

*The kids turn around and look at Tenki. Then he's approached by a kid with wavy brown hair and blue eyes*

*Tenki gulps a bit as he walks up.*

*The kids looks at Tenki* "The names Kezuru Hyōmen! I'm the boss around here you got it!? You listen to me or else!"

*Tenki gulps*

"First order of business, forfeit all your candy to me!" *Kezuru yells*

"I don't have any candy"
*Tenki says nervously*

"Really!?" *Kezuru scoffs*

*Tenki sighs*

*Kezuru growls* "You have to have some!"

"I have my zinc supplements... but.. YOU CANT HAVE THOSE!"
*Tenki says nervously*

"Supplements? That sounds gross!" *Kezuru growls*

*Tenki thinks for a moment. Then he remembers that he hadn't taken his supplements. He pulls out the bottle and takes one.*

*Kezuru looks him as he takes the supplement* "Wait! Those are candy! You liar!"

"It's my supplements!! GIVE THEM BACK!"
*Tenki says trying to be tough*

*Kezuru growls* "Make me!"

*Tenki doesn't do anything, he just sighs*

*Kezuru laughs* "That's what I thought."

*Tenki sighs and sits down.*

*Kezuru runs off with the bottle, he opens it and looks at the gummies inside*

*Tenki watches him and gulps them down.*

*Kezuru eats them then tosses the empty bottle to Tenki* "Don't ever lie to me again if you know what's good for you!"

*Tenki catches it and pouts slightly.*

*The door opens and a woman with brown greyish hair and a unicorn horn walks in* "Settle down already! Lets get started."

*Tenki stays seated and looks up.*

*The other kids head to their seats*

"I see we have a new student in our class...great well Im Sensei Teruko..." *She sighs*

*The class says hello to her and looks at Tenki. To whom freezes up a bit.*

"Why dont you come introduce yourself to the class?" *She grunts a bit*

*Tenki gulps and walks up. He looks over the class, he then freezes up completely and balls himself up*

"Come on kid...We don't have all day just say your name or something..." *She sighs*

*Tenki starts to shake in fear*

*Kezuru laughs* "He's such a scaredy cat!"

*Ms. Teruko rolls her eyes* "Just take your seat we'll try again later once you warm up I guess..."

*Tenki folds out and crawls to his desk*

*Ms. Teruko sighs* "Alright class today we will be working on get out your papers and pencils.."

*Tenki goes into his bag and pulls out his need things*

"Okay I'm gonna call on each and everyone one of you randomly gives you a word and have you spell it on the paper then you will spell it out loud understand? Good." *She sighs*

16+ Bnha 2nd Gen | Vol. 2 | Growing Heroes | Second YearWhere stories live. Discover now