Chapter 53 | Family |

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- 2 hours later -
*Yasei wakes up in a hospital bed. He shakes his head slightly and looks around. He can see a large curtain around a bed.*

*He sits up gently looking around, rubbing his eyes to focus his vision*

*A doctor steps out from the curtain.*

*Yasei looks at the doctor* "Hello."

"Ah, you're awake"
*The doctor says walking over.*

"Yes..wheres Ashton?" *Yasei asks*

"Ashton... Oh him... he is behind the curtain."
*The Doctor sighs*

"Is he alright?" *Yasei asks with worry*

"He will be, we just had enough doctors to do one of you at a time."
*he says*

*Yasei sighs with relief, he rubs his belly*

*His belly trembles lightly*

*Yasei flinches a bit* "Geez..."

*The doctor goes back into the curtain.*

*Yasei lays down on his side rubbing his belly* "Even at the mention of your father, you two go crazy.."

*His belly trembles again.*

*Yasei winches a bit*

*It trembles a bit heavier*

*Yasei winches more* "Ow.."

*The pain goes quickly, soon the curtain opens up.*

*Yasei looks over, and sits up*

*Ashton is there asleep and covered in bandages. Then a lady walks up, her hands glow and waves him over the bands*

*Yasei looks at her and at Ashton*

*She finishes with Ashton and walks over to Yasei.*
"You want a quick hit?"

*Yasei nods* "okay.."

*She walks up and starts doing the same to his foot. The pain that was in his foot starts going away. And it feels much better than before.*

*Yasei sighs with relief as the pain disappears* "Thank you."

*She nods and then leaves*

*Yasei looks over at Ashton he chuckles when his sees his ears twitch, then he look down at his belly* "Your daddy is cute when he sleeps."

*A foot pushes out his belly.*

*Yasei chuckles putting his hand where the foot is* "Aww so tiny."

*His hand gets kicked by another foot.*

*Yasei hums rubbing the foot.*

*For the rest of the day, Yasei would get pains once in a while. Slightly worse than one before. But he puts it off just from the injury.*

-The next day-

*Ashton and Yasei are brought back to the agency that morning. They lay down and cuddle.*
"You doing better Kitten?"

*Yasei nuzzles him* "Yes, much better. How about you babe?"

"I feel much better... I still feel bad though..."
*Ashton says, rubbing Yasei's larger belly.*

*Yasei nuzzles him* "Don't my fluffy were just being protective, like the good father you are, and mate as you put it."

"I can't wait to hold our children..."
*Ashton says smiling at the belly.*

"Same, Ashton same..they get more and more active each day." *Yasei laughs a bit*

*Yasei suddenly feels a large pain in his belly as it trembles heavily.*

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