Forty Seven

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"Are you sure you're feeling well, dear?" Mr. Harris asks me, a worried crease in his brow.

I feel guilty for lying to him, but it was necessary.

"Yes, Mr. Harris. It was just a little cold, I'm better now."

He nods, "okay. Take it easy, dear, I can always ask my nephew to come."

"Thank you," I smile at him and he leaves me by myself in the store.

I go on as usual, scanning people's things and making small conversation. Normal Saturday work routine.

"Hello, little Spencer," a familiar voice comes in as I see Diego smiling at me. "Do you have popcorn?"

"Yep, second aisle by the cookies."

He grabs a can of orange soda and juice on the way and pays for them, leaning on the counter and staring at me, his dark brown eyes kind and serious.

"So, how's things with Diana? Did you fix that shit with the fucker that was messing with you guys?"

I blink, surprised, but he just raises an eyebrow, patiently waiting for my answer.

"Uh... Yeah, basically," he nods, "I got the pictures she had of us," I explain.

"That's good, Spencer," he nods again, very serious. "Make sure no one can get them, will you? Hide or destroy them, but don't let anything happen to Diana."

This seriousness is uncommon to him, and it feels like I'm binding myself to an oath to protect her. It makes my heart speeds up a little and I nod, "I won't. I promise."

Diego grins and gives me a wink, undoing the heaviness of the atmosphere. He takes his popcorn and his beverages.

"I like you, Spencer. Diana's happier with you," he walks to the door, leaving me speechless with happiness, "come by the café later, I'll give you a piece of cake!"

And then he's out of the door.

I watch him from inside, crossing the street and walking towards Diana's apartment.

His words make me warm inside, that I make Diana happy, just as she makes me. But his mention of her only serves to make me miss her more.

It's a sharp tug on my heart each and every time I think of her. Of her kind honey eyes, her bright smile and her cute dimples, her golden hair. I miss her touch, her laugh and her dirty jokes.

I miss her like a part of me is missing, because in a way, I really feel it is.

At least this is almost over.

Diana doesn't come by, but to my surprise, Abby does, the bell clinking over her head. She smiles as she sees me.

I look into her blue eyes, feeling nothing but anger. How dare she pretend to be my friend for all these months? I can't help but hate her and looking at her once sweet smile makes me sick; now I can only see it as manipulative.

Diana's laugh. Mom's eyes. Dad's hugs. Jackson's smile. Puppies.

I force a smile, calming myself. Lying was never my strong suit, but I can't let her see through me.

"Hello Abby," I rest my arms on the counter, "how are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you? They said you were sick."

"Yeah, I had a headache and a bit of a fever yesterday," I say, "dad said it could be a cold, so I stayed home."

She nods, her eyes full of understanding and worry. I want to slap her. Even if her feelings are genuine, her motives behind them are sick and twisted.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now