Thirty Six

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I hold Diana's body close to mine through the night, finding comfort in her warm presence beside me. But sometime in the morning, she slipped through my arms and I awoke to the smell of warm bread and butter.

"Good morning, Spencer," Diana greets me, her hair already brushed and all put up.

"Hi," I groan, sitting across from her and cutting a piece of the bread for myself. "When did you wake up?"

"Around an hour ago," she shrugs, putting butter on her slice. "So, what do you want to do today?"

I shrug, focusing on the warm bread in my mouth. The soft, melted butter. Divine.

We can't really be seen out together, so what she probably means is: do you want to watch something? What?

Diana and I watched the three Lord of the Rings movies, then she wanted to watch The Hobbit after reading the book, so we did and she loved it. I asked her about her Bilbo/Thorin fanfic but she told me she gave up on the idea.

I don't trust her word on this at all.

Dad is probably going to get released from this hospital this week, and he'll be free to go back to work after that, I hope. Everything that I've made during the summer is gone with the bills and it's getting even harder to make ends meet.

"I don't know. Do you want to watch one of your romance movies?" I take a sip from my glass, "maybe we can watch Romeo and Juliet."

She smiles, nodding as she also drinks from her cup. I like the way the sun shines through the window and makes her hair golden and her eyes like honey. The way that her skin glows and how beautiful she looks in such simple clothes makes my heart skip a beat.

I wonder what dad did with mom's camera.

"I'll clean up," I say after we've eaten, taking the plates.

I do the dishes as she puts the movie on the TV. I've never thought I'd feel this... whole in my life. Not after what happened with mom.

And I know a part of me will always be missing, but I am happy now. I actually enjoy living, which I now realize I haven't been since the beginning of high school.

Amelie hasn't bothered me in some time either, which is completely fine by me. I'm probably graduating with Bs and some As, and I hope I'll grow closer to Abby and Laura since we plan on going to the same university.

Diana lets her head rest on my chest as we watch the movie and she cries in the end. My eyes are wet with unshed tears and I blink them away.

"I hope we don't die," I joke as the credits roll on the screen and she chuckles.

"Who do you think the friar would be?" Diana asks, looking up at me with reddened eyes.

"Uh..." I think for a second, then I smile, "Diego, but only because he really tried to cupid us."

She laughs and I feel all warm inside.

I think I've actually fallen for her.

"Okay, that's fair," she stands, pulling me with her, "but at least we don't have to rely on notes to communicate anymore."

"And there's no one actually wanting to kill us?!"

"And that," she agrees.

I cut vegetables for our lunch and Diana finishes preparing them for our lunch. The only thing that I can really cook is spaghetti with tomato sauce, but I have average skills with a knife.

Diana is cooking up the sauce so I slide my hands around her waist and press a little kiss to her neck, right where her t-shirt opens at the shoulder. Then another. Then another, slowly kissing up to her pulse point under her jaw.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now