Forty Two

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It's hard to avoid Diana. First, because I don't really want to and second because she's my teacher.

And I know she knows there's something going on, and it hurts me to see her looking all sad about it. I steal glances at her when I think she's not looking, to catch her frowning as she looks in the distance.

We were never the texting type because we see each other everyday and I just crash when I get home from the store, but I've been trying to message her because I miss how easy it was being around her. Not needing to worry about making a false move and messing us up.

Now I can't even get close to her without getting paranoid.

Diana didn't show up in the store this week either, but I know it's because she's been working a lot since it's the end of the semester and we're worried with finals and essays and she has to grade it all and put it up on the system.

I wish I could go to her apartment and keep her company or just do something for her.

But I have to restrain myself from even looking at her, because I don't trust my capabilities to hide how much I adore her.

"If I see you with her, I'll tell the police," the yellow slip falls from my locker.

That's definitely not good.

Jackson's been digging up on Amelie through his nerd, hacker way and Rory's trying to steal her handwriting while I'm panicking and trying to see if she comes to my locker to slip those fucking notes.

But even with me waking up and riding my bike earlier, I still haven't caught the motherfucker.

I slam the door shut, the loud metal noise attracting a few stares.

"Reed, how many times do we have to tell you not to slam the locker?" Mr. Fisher says, looking at me from over the rim of his glasses.

This is maybe the third time I've ever forcefully shut my locker.

I shrug and he sighs, "I'm giving you detention."

He walks away and I let my head fall to the cold metal, "great."

I walk to Physics, the post-it burning in my pocket and I end up picturing myself busting Amelie's car windows through the whole period. If we find out it really is her, I'll find out where she lives and burn her car.

And the evidence.

Not even the late spring sun is enough to warm me as I sit on our bench during lunch. I bite the inside of my cheek as I look over to the path away, suddenly remembering the day Diana came with Diego, so many months before.

I remember her red cheeks as he called her Didi and princess, and it makes me smile.

"So, did you get anything today?" Rory asks as she sits beside me, Jackson walking around to sit at my other side.

"Yeah," I hold the paper out for them.

"Shit," she says, unwrapping her sandwich. "Did you get anything on her?"

Jackson shakes his head, "just the basics, but now I think I'll have to try and hack into her phone or something," he sighs, "I can't believe I'm doing this."

"It's for the greater good," Rory says, munching down on her sandwich.

"Did you get her handwriting?" He asks.

"Not yet, mister prom king, but just wait, I'll have it by the end of the week."

"That's tomorrow," I point out and she shrugs.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt