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"Spencer, can you help me with the books?" Miss Abrams asks as I'm one of the first kids to make her class and I nodd. She tells one other kid to let the others know we went to get the books and soon we're going to get the boxes in the library. "How was your morning?"

"It was good. Except for P.E." she looks surprised for a second.

"Really? I thought you were a sporty girl."

I see Sporty Spice in my head for a split second and then I blink it away.

"Not really. I mean, I can run, but I'm terrible with balls."

She snickered, putting a hand over her mouth. "Sorry. Yeah, go on."

Then it became a full, hearty laugh that she couldn't hold it in.

"Are you okay, miss Abrams?" I asked, because she's just laughing a bit too much behind her hand and I was getting concerned.

"It's nothing, really," she cleared her throat, composing herself, "I really liked P.E. when I was in high school. I was on the baseball team."

"Not the softball one?"

I always thought softball was baseball but for girls and with a yellow ball.

"No, the baseball. We didn't have enough girls to make a softball team and the coach let me play with the boys. It was pretty fun."


"Yeah. I was the second batter for a while. And I played infield," she shrugged and I had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. But she sounded pretty excited about it and saw myself smiling as she talked and made motions with her hands to explain.

"Good afternoon, Debbie!" she said to the librarian, making her smile.

I was shocked beyond anything. I've never seen that woman with any other facial expression besides pissed, but Ms. Abrams made her smile. She had to have some magic powers or some shit.

"Good afternoon, Diana. Your books are on the table there," and then she pointed us to a table with big boxes lined above it.

"Thank you. C'mon, Spencer." I usually didn't mind helping, but I found myself not wanting to drag God knows how many books upstairs back to her classroom and get all sweaty again.

I picked one box and she took another and I saw her smiling and winking at Mrs. Frank before I pushed the door open with my shoulder.

"I can't believe you made Mrs. Frankenstein smile," I said, still in shock. "I thought she didn't know how."

She laughed and bumped into me.

"You shouldn't say that, Spencer. She's actually pretty nice."

"I do not believe that," I shook my head. She was always shushing us and was never really helpful at finding books there. Ms. Abrams just shrugged, still smiling.

"Well, it's true," then her voice got lower, as if the hallways weren't basically empty. "And you shouldn't let her hear you calling her Mrs. Frankenstein."

I chuckled, "Yes, ma'am."

The books were getting heavier the more we walked, but Ms. Abrams was walking as if they didn't weigh a thing. Was she strong or had she a good poker face? My arms were starting to hurt, and yet she didn't seem to even be breaking a sweat.

Oh, my weak nerdy arms.

The rest of the class was just chatting while we were out, and they kept at it as we walked back and put the boxes at Ms. Abrams' desk.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now