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I knew having those days without Amelie were too good to be long lived.

I wish I had enjoyed it more.

Dad is for once at home when I wake up, making toast for us in his slippers. He looks tired and he needs to shave his beard, but he smiles at me when he sees me walking down the small hallway.

"Good morning, Spencer," I yawn.

"Good morning, dad," I sit across from him and he puts scrambled eggs on top of my toast. "Thanks."

He sits down, drinking his coffee and eating his own toast. I can still smell the alcohol in his breath and it's kinda disgusting but I focus on my breakfast.

We eat mostly in a comfortable silence, and I asked him how work was, to which he answered what he always did: 'it's like work, Spencer.'

"Have a good day, Spencer. I'm leaving money for groceries," he says and I take it. I change and get my keys before saying my goodbyes and walking down to my bike.

Now that it's getting colder again I have to go to the thrift store to see if they already have some thicker jackets for me and for dad. I know he hates that we can't really afford a lot of stuff, but we know it's just how it is.

I think about Jackson, and how he will probably have some gossip to tell me as soon as we meet by my locker, and that makes me smile. I think of Amelie, and how I really wish she would just leave me alone. I mean, I don't remember ever doing anything bad to her, I just exist.

It's not my fault she's richer and I'm smarter.

Thinking of tests makes me think of Diana, and I wonder if she had her sugar rush with the soda. I try to picture a caffeinated Diana, all jittery and agitated and it makes me laugh.

I park and chain my bike, quickly looking around for Jackson, but either he's already inside, or his mom didn't drop him off yet. I don't see Amelie either, which is a blessing.

I walk quickly to my locker, getting my Geometry book and leaving the rest inside.

"Morning, Spencer," I hear Jackson say, leaning on the locker beside mine.

"Hi, Jackson," I'm already feeling tired and I didn't even step inside a classroom yet.

"Who burned your book?" he asks and I roll my eyes.

"You know who is gonna try to."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Amelie also has English," I groan, "but I think it's not with you."

I try to remember the call list Diana goes over everyday, and I don't think I've heard her calling Amelie's name.

It's truly the small things we take for granted.

"Hello, barf-face," I hear her sick voice behind me and I want to get inside my locker so I don't have to hear her.

"Don't you get tired of that one?" I try to put on my best bored voice, even though my skin is growing hot from embarrassment. I kissed the girl before she was drunk then helped her as she puked. Not that Amelie cared. I close my locker with a sigh.

"It just never gets old," she smiles at me, her hateful brown eyes looking up at me, "but I could try, white trash."

I try to think of happy things. My mother's hugs. Jackson's smile. Puppies.

"A+ for creativity, Amelie," I say, knowing bringing grades in would piss her off, then I sidestep and walk away from her.

Do I care that she's richer than me? Absolutely not. Would my life be easier if I had a bit more money? Obviously. Does her comments piss me off? A bit too much.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ