Twenty Eight

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I spend Christmas at Jackson's, and I finally tell his parents about my dad's situation. They've been suspicious because apparently he never answered his phone anymore and I always said he was at the hospital.

Some people actually connect the dots.

Jackson gave me a book and Mrs. Manalo gave me a sweater. I felt bad for not having the money to give them a present too, but both of them said it wasn't necessary. We played board games and ate, then me and Jackson played video games until we passed out on the sofa.

It started snowing a couple of days after it, and we made snowmans in his backyard. He was a bit square-ish, but overall great. Rory sent us a video where her brother and cousins were making one and she threw a snowball at the back of their heads.

I take the bus to the hospital, shivering a bit in the stop and then on the bus. I'm pretty sure it'll snow today, because it snowed yesterday and the clouds are still heavy in the sky.

Jackson's helping his mom with a photoshoot today, so I'm by myself as I glue the sticker to my shirt and take the elevator up to my dad's room. There's always the nurses walking around or behind their desks and even though the hospital is a crowded place, I feel alone as I walk in the corridors and sit beside his bed.

"Hi dad," I sigh, holding his hand. "I miss you, you know that?" I close my eyes, thinking of him and not how in the last month he only got thinner. "You know what I was thinking these days? Remember when you and mom would take me to the park to play in the snow? It was fun," I chuckle, squeezing his hand and letting the tears fall. "Please, dad. We can go again just... wake up, please."

I let my head fall, the tears falling down on the white sheets, slowly and then with weight, just like the rain outside. I break, the stress and the worry I've been feeling finally catching up. I've been bottling everything, from his situation here to Amelie bullying me and my feelings for Diana, and now it has finally overflown. Every little drop has finally filled the cup and now I can't stop crying.

I wipe my tears and breath in, trying to calm myself down. Dad will be fine. We will be fine.

I tell him about the new book I'm reading, Shadow and Bone, how it has fantasy shit and magic, but it's also a romance and I am liking it. I read out loud for him, stopping only when the nurse comes to check on him.

It's way past noon when I stand and decide to finally go to the cafeteria to eat something. I take the tip from that grandma and a few coins from my pocket and buy myself a sandwich and a Twix before sitting on a table.

I take Diana's book and read as I eat, ignoring the noise around me.

"Is this seat taken?" I look up to see Diana and I shake my head. I didn't think her mother was in this hospital, or that we would cross paths at all. She sits and gives me a can of coke, "what are you doing here?"

I swallow. I don't want to lie, but I'm also afraid she'll ask something and I'll end up uncomfortable.

"I came to see my dad," I say and she eyes me.

"Is he a patient here?" I nod, "what's wrong?"

"He's in a coma," I say, looking away.

"Oh," I look back at her. Diana's looking down at her own can. I feel bad for her, because I feel like she thinks she did something wrong.

"He's going to be fine," I say, trying to convince both of us. She sips from her can, and I can see circles under her eyes. "How's your mom?"

"She's better, actually," she gives me a small smile and I mirror her.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu