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Diana is keeping her distance, which annoys me. She never really speaks to me anymore besides the usual 'good afternoon' and 'goodbye'. But then at the store she'd stay just a bit too long, asking how's my day, then telling me about those two cute students from her freshman class and smiling before leaving.

It seems like she's regretting her words, if I can say so.

"What about you, Spencer, do you like anyone?" Laura's words bring me back to our conversation.

"Uh... no?" I look down at my hands. Why is it that I thought of Diana when she asked me that? "I do not."

Laura hums, then the conversation moves on, leaving me behind. I really like them, but sometimes I miss when it was just me and Jackson. We have a quiet understanding and our silences weren't uncomfortable. With them, I sometimes feel out of place.

I don't really feel like I can open up to them, not like I could with Diana. I didn't need that with Jackson, because he was there with me when it all happened. He was always there for me.

At least tomorrow is our day.

"Hey, what day is today again?" Matt asks, with a notebook on his lap as he finishes some assignment.

"November 13th." Laura answers, and Jackson looks at me.

Mom's death anniversary is tomorrow. I had remembered it last week, but with all my thinking of Diana it got buried beneath.

We split and Jackson sticks with me for a bit before going to his locker.

"So, tomorrow..."

"I'm okay. Really," he doesn't look convinced and I wouldn't either.

"Call me if you need me, okay?" I nod and he pats my shoulder, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I go to my locker to get my backpack before going to Diana's classroom. It's been a few days since I've seen Amelie and I thank God everyday for that. But as I'm turning on Diana's corridor, I see her, by the door, talking with Diana.

What. Why.

Diana seems to be explaining something to her, but Amelie keeps looking up at her face. What is wrong with her? Doesn't she know she's supposed to look down at the paper?

Diana looks up then, and our eyes meet. She holds it for a second then smiles at me, closing the notebook and handing it to Amelie. She looks up and sees me, her face immediately back to her disgusted mask.

"Good afternoon, Spencer," Diana says with a smile. I try to give one back, but I don't trust Amelie.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Abrams," I slip past them and Amelie subtly sticks her foot out.

I guess she miscalculated, because I walked over it and to my seat. I could feel her burning holes in my back with her eyes, but I ignored it.

I've been practicing the art of ignoring, and I've been getting good at it.

Amelie's technique is antiquated yet very effective because it wears one out on the long run. It slowly makes you feel worthless and disgusting. There's a reason why cliches stick around: they work.

And Amelie's tormenting had been going on for plenty of time for it to take roots in my brain. Roots that I'm now working to get out of my system. I don't know if it was that day that I told Diana and then talked to Diego, but they definitely helped me, even if they don't know it.

Diana keeps talking about Animal Farm and I can't help but remember Amelie asking her about it. It was quite obvious the relationship between the Russian Revolution and what happens in the farm, and even if it wasn't, Diana's been explaining it for at least a month now.

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now