Forty One

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Every senior at school seem a mix of stressed and excited with the end of high school. A lot of kids have their soft tan from the spring break slowly fading and the halls are loud with kids talking to their friends.

I stop by my locker to get my Geometry textbook and I see a little yellow post-it fall to the ground. I frown, picking the little piece of paper and reading it.

"I know what you've been up to."

I look at it then around me, but everyone seems to be minding their own business and honestly, it must have been misplaced.

I walk to Geometry and sit beside Jackson, taking the little piece of paper from my pocket and showing him.

"I think someone put this on my locker by mistake," I say and he frowns as he takes the post-it from my hand.

Jackson looks around us then scoots over, his face very serious, "did anyone see you in the city?"

I shake my head, "I don't think so. The city is huge, it'd be a bad type of miracle for someone to see us there."

Jackson nods. "Then someone saw you here, which is worse."

"Shit," I say, letting my head fall to the table. I was hoping it wasn't the case, I was trying to ignore it, but hearing Jackson say it makes it real.


"What if it really was in the wrong locker?" I mumble, my voice kinda muffled by the wood.

He shrugs, "it's better if we think it was for you."

That's true. If it is, we're ready, then if it's not for me, we're double safe.

"What do you think we should do?" I ask and at the same time, the teacher turns to us.

"Jackson and Spencer. Silence, please," he scolds us and we nod, writing down the equations he's copying on the board.

"I don't know. I'll text Rory to meet us at the bench for lunch," he whispers and I nod.

I can't really focus on the things the teacher's saying but I mindlessly copy everything as I think on the note.

I can't think of a moment someone could've seen me with Diana in a compromising position. I mean, it's normal for us to be seen together at the store, because I work there, right? And despite everything, she's still my teacher, so we will be seeing each other in school.

What if someone saw me going to her apartment? But how could they know where she lives? Mrs. Smith has been my teacher since freshman year and I still don't have any idea where she lives, so it can't have been at her home.

Who was it? Who could've done this? And why would they do this? It's literally no one's business.

I keep cycling through these thoughts as I go with my day, to History then to P.E. then to our bench.

"Can I see the note?" Rory asks and I hand the post-it to her. Her grey eyes scan the little yellow piece of paper for a few moments before she looks back at me, "do you have enemies?"

I exchange looks with Jackson, "just Amelie, but she hasn't messed with me since... November, I think?"

I'm not really hungry, but I can't be sure we'll have enough food at home, so I eat it anyways. Rory eats a sandwich beside us, a deep concentrated frown on her brow.

"Do you think it's her?" She asks me and I can only shrug.

"It's only one post-it," I say. It's not enough information to start pointing fingers. I turn to Jackson, "do you recognize the handwriting?"

It'll be our secret, Miss Abrams (GirlxGirl) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now