Chapter 20

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She broke the kiss and stared into my brown eyes. "Don't ever say goodbye without kissing me." She said with so much power in her voice. "It isn't goodbye, see you later Lolo." I said and she grinned pecking my lips before boarding her flight.

This will be a long month.

Camila's POV

"Babe!" Lauren pouted over FaceTime. "I miss you so much." She said. She had just finished performing a 5 hour concert with no breaks. "I miss you too, like crazy." I replied back to her.

She looked tired and absolutely worn out. "Lo if you're tired, you can go to sleep. I want you to rest." I told her. "I'm fine, I want to stay up and talk to you." She said with a dopey smile. She's so freaking cute. I smiled and we continued to talk until she fell asleep. I hung up the face time and went to bed myself.

She's been gone for 2 and a half weeks, everyday we have texted and every night we've either Skyped or FaceTimed. She never goes a day without telling me she misses me. Like they say, "distance makes the heart grow fonder" and I can tell you my heart's about to burst being away from her.

These last two weeks have been hard on my Mom. She's been working more and more and has been coming home extra stressed. When she gets home all she does is sleep before she has to get back up and work again. It's so hard for her to try and support us.

I hate my dad for leaving. Did he forget the fact that he still had 2 kids? Sofi won't even get to know who her father is. All she'll have is the memories of him before he left. He's a fucking coward, walking away from his wife and kids. Hate is a strong word but I hate him. I fucking hate him for putting this family through hell.

Sofi couldn't even go on her class trip because Mom didn't have the money. It broke my heart to see my little sister cry.

"W-w-wh-why can't I go?" Sofi cried into my chest. My mom had just told her she doesn't have the money for her class trip. "Mama just can't afford it right now Sofi." I told her while stroking her hair. She cried even more and I felt my heart break in two. "There'll be other trips, I promise Sofi." I said to try and calm her, she just cried and nodded her head. I kissed her head, until she fell asleep. I stayed in her room with her because she wouldn't let me go. I hate to see her cry.

On top of that, things at school are so much worse. I can't walk down the hall without getting some snarky remark about my sexuality. Or people telling me I'm too ugly to date Lauren Jauregui or getting shoved into the lockers by random people. It just sucks. Some days I sit in the bathroom and cry.

There's no one here for me except Dinah. I know Lauren would be too but I can't tell her what's happening here. She'll be pissed and try to take the next flight here in an instant. She needs to focus on her career.

I'm in 5th period with Kylie and she constantly makes me hate myself. "Hey Camila, I always knew you were a faggot." She said to me getting laughs from the entire class. I tried to focus on the worksheet we were doing. "You know, Lauren's probably dating you because you're a charity case. I mean why else would she?" She said causing a few tears to well up into my eyes. "Yeah like she has nothing to offer. She's fat and her face is hella ugly!" Maddie, one of Kylie's friends comment.

I raise my hand and ask the teacher could I go to the restroom. She allows it and I grab my things.

I walked into the bathroom and went into an empty stall and sat on the floor and just cried. Why do I always let them get to me? I stayed in the stall until the bell rang.

As I was walking out of the bathroom Kylie and her friends were walking in. "Oh look who it is." Kylie said in a venomous tone. "Fagbello." She said. Gaining courage I decided to speak up. "You know, that's getting really fucking old." I spoke, a little shocked at myself as was Kylie and her friends.

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