Chapter 57

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Lauren's POV

"I miss her." I complained to Jade. We were currently sitting on my tour bus at a gas station. "I know you do Lauren." She said in her cute little British accent.

"You've only said it like," she pretended to think for a moment, "10000 times in the last 5 minutes,"

It's just been hitting me hard lately that I can't hold or kiss Camila. I miss her smell and her touch. She smelled so good, like strawberries, it easily became my favorite scent.

I was wearing her sweater now, I had brought a few of her sweaters with me so I could at least have a piece of her I could physically hold on to. Oh my god why am I acting like she's dead.

And I miss my family. I'm missing so much of Chris' and Taylor's life. I hate I can't be their to witness their accomplishments and achievements.

Just the other day was Chris' 17th birthday, I'm missing them grow up and it sucks.

I got him front row tickets and 3 backstage passes to his favorite band, I also got him a new guitar. He was so happy and the smile on his face made my heart swell.

I loved my siblings to death, they mean the world to me. Even though they get on my nerves when I'm home, I wouldn't change anything about their annoying selves.

I also really miss my parents. I miss my mom's cooking and my dad's sports talk. We'd just sit and watch a game and have a full blown discussion about it. It was great, it was our thing.

"I'm gonna call her." I told Jade and she nodded, getting up and walking off the bus.

"Have fun talking to your girlfriend!" She yelled before completely disappearing. Jade was really cool.

Camila and I's schedules have been so busy lately we've barely had any time for each other. I schedules just don't coincide and that's one of the reasons I'm missing her so much.

I walked into the back and laid in the bed. Since I was the only one on this bus, we were able to get one with a bed.

I called Camila's FaceTime, it rang 3 times before she answered. "Hi gorgeous," I beamed at seeing the most beautiful girl in the world who I'm overjoyed with to call my girlfriend.

It was kind of dark outside and she was walking, her hair was cascaded in curls and she was wearing light make up.

"Hey cutie." She smiled back. I'm in love with that wonderful smile of hers. It's crazy, we've been dating almost a year and a half and she still makes my heart flutter with just one quirk of her lips.

I heard loud talking in the background and I could only assume that was Dinah. "Chanchooo, you gotta help me find some hot ass tonight!" She exclaimed. I laughed and gave Camila a confused look.

"We're heading to out to a club, Dinah broke up with Micheal and wants to find a rebound I guess." She shrugged and I nodded.

Like I said, our schedules are so busy we barely have time for each other. "Well if you're too busy I'll just-" she shook her head.

"No, I'd be rather talking to you." She answered and I couldn't help but grin. She was having a girls night though and I didn't want to ruin that.

"No baby, go have fun." She shook her head. "No, I'm perfectly fine with talking with you, I miss you." She pouted.

She doesn't know how bad I'm missing her, like really missing her.

"Who's that you talking to Walz?" I heard Dinah ask before seeing her face in the camera.

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