Chapter 5 part 2

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"I knew you'd give in, you can't resist all uh dissssss." She says in the best Cuban accent she can muster up while raising her hands up and down her body.

The dance is today and I really have no interest whatsoever in going. I just had to let Dinah talk me into it. I'm wearing a light blue dress that stops right before the knee. Not skin tight but shows off all my curves in the right places. I'm wearing black heels and my face is done up with light make up. I let my hair fall in it's natural curls. The best part of my outfit is my signature bow. It's white with little blue hearts on it.

The door bell rings, I head to answer it but Sofi reaches it first.

"Hey Dinah!" My litter sister beams when she see's Dinah. "Hey cutie," she bends down and kisses Sofi's cheek.

"Holy smokes, Mila you look hot!"

"Thanks D, you're not too shabby yourself." I wink at her.

She fidgets with her hands, that usually means she has something to tell me. "D, what's up?"

"Nothing's up! Well of course the sky and the birds in the sky and the stars. And th-" I cut her rambling off. She only rambles when she's done something.

"Dinah, what did you do?"

"Um I may have setyouupwithmichealscousin." She says so fast I could hardly understand what she was saying.

"What the hell Dinah!" I can't believe she did that. Really Dinah really? I guess she didn't want me to be a third wheel.

"Just this one night, Mila please. Micheal says he's a cool guy an-"


"Oops did I not mention that?" Why would she set me up with a guy? What the hell! She knows I'm gay! I'm not out yet to everyone, only her but I'm sure every one suspects I'm a lesbian considering I get called Fagbello everyday.

"Yes, Dinah you did!" It's only one night. One night, you can do this.

"I'm sorry but if I told you, I knew you wouldn't come. Please tell me you're not mad at me." Of course I'm mad at her.

"No I'm not mad."

"Yes, you are. It's just one night and you don't have to see him again."

"Okay, let's go."

"Yay!" She exclaims. We head out the door and walk over to Michael's car.

"Hey Camila, you look beautiful. This is my cousin Austin." Micheal compliments and introduces me to Austin.

"Thank you, Micheal!" I look over at Austin who seems to be racking his eyes up and down my body like I'm so piece of meat. His eyes landing on my breasts.

I reach my hand out to greet him, "Hi, I'm Camila." He still has his eyes on my breasts not paying any attention to my face. I snap my fingers and he looks up. "Hey, Camilla. I'm Austin." Did this douche just really pronounce my name wrong? After I clearly just introduced myself.


"What?" He asks looking as confused as ever.

"My name's Camila, not Camilla."

"Oh sorry about that babe," I cringe at him calling me babe

The ride to the school is comfortable, light music coming from the stereo. Except for that fact that Austin keeps constantly checking me out, licking his lips while looking up and down my body. Making me feel slightly uncomfortable.

Once we reach the school, Micheal walks over to the passenger side and opens the door for Dinah. He's such a gentleman. Austin just gets out the car and waits at the hood of the car for me.

I walk up to him and he asks if I'm ready. I nod my head and we walk into the school. Once inside we can hear music blaring from inside of the gym. We walk inside the gym and there's colorful decorations, teenagers socializing, some dancing crazily but overall everyone seemed to be having a wonderful time.

"Hey, do you guys want anything to drink?" Micheal asks us.

"Sure, yeah." I say and Dinah and Austin nod their heads in agreement. He then goes and gets us drinks. Once Michael's back with the drinks he hands a cup to each of a us and I take a sip. The punch has a weird yet delicious taste to it so I keep drinking it, even going back for more. I soon figure out it was spiked. Typical.

"Hey sexy, you want to dance?" I nearly gag at him calling me sexy. I don't know why but there's something about him that makes me extremely uncomfortable. With my inhibitions being slightly low I agree to dance with him. He leads me to the dance floor and immediately starts grinding on me to the beat of the song that's currently playing ("Ride" by SoMo). I don't really think anything of it and let him.

I glance over at Dinah and she seems to be having the time of her life.

He turns me around to face him and  leans in for a kiss. I stop him before he can put his lips on mine.

"Um, sorry Austin but I don't think so,"

He then leans in again as if I hadn't just told him no.

"Come on Camilla, I didn't peg you for a lesbian. Now stop playing hard to get and let me kiss you." He leans in once more but this time I kick him in the the shin.

"Stupid dyke bitch!" He spits the words with so much animosity in my face. Wow, poor boy doesn't like to be rejected

I strut over to Dinah, my eyes slightly watery.

"Dinah, can we leave?" I try to cover up the shakiness in my voice.

"Why, what's wrong Mila? Did Kylie do nothing?"

"I'm not feeling too well, I think there was something in the punch." Not completely a lie since the punch was spiked.

"Ok, I'll go get Micheal and you go look for Austin okay?" I reluctantly agree and start to look for Austin.

He's standing behind the bleachers, out of sight.

"I knew you'd come back. They always do," he says with a smirk.

"Let's go Austin, we're leaving." I begin to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"Hey, not so fast," he stares at me with lustful dark green eyes.

I try to get out of his grip but he's too strong. He throws me up against the wall and starts attacking my neck with his lips.

"Get off me!" I scream out. He's relentless.

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell a second time. The only option I have left is to kick him in his private, so I do.

"Ow shit. You fucking bitch," he tries to grab me but I run to Dinah.

"Can we go now? I couldn't find Austin." I just really need to get out of here.

"Bu-" I stop her.

"Please Dinah, can we just go!" I'm so fed up with everything, I just can't catch a fucking break.

"Okay," thankfully she agrees!

Dinah gets Micheal and we head to to his car. It takes 20 minutes to get to my house. Once there I wave goodbye to Micheal and Dinah.  I walk in to see my mom crying on the couch. I hate to see her like this and being able to do nothing about it sucks.

"Come on mom, it's late. Let's get you to bed." She nods. I walk her to her bedroom and tuck her in. I kiss her head and say goodnight.

"It'll be alright, Mami. I love you. Get some sleep."

I walk upstairs to my room. I pull off my clothes and slip into an oversized t-shirt. I look in there mirror and notice a purplish-blue mark on my neck that jerk Austin left. I sink into bed, letting out a sigh before I slowly drift off to sleep.

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