Chapter 24

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Lauren's POV

Camila buried her face in my neck, and started placing gentle kisses there, she then found my pulse point and began sucking on it. "Camila... what... are you... doing." I breathed out slowly. "Nothing," She spoke innocently. She moved to another part of my neck and bit down on it and soothed it over with her tongue. I moaned softly. "Camz." I could feel her smirk against my neck.

What is she doing. "What's gotten into you?" I asked, shocked at her sudden actions. "I just find it really hot and sexy how overprotective you are of me." She said, her voice raspier than usual. She's really turning me on.

What the hell happened to the sweet and innocent Camila?

She threw her legs over my each side of my hips, straddling me. I held onto her waist lifting up her hoodie a little to stroke her stomach, her bruises there were gone so I wasn't hurting her. I felt her shiver under my touch and goosebumps rise, I'm still amazed at the effect I have on her.

Her lips were so soft and gentle against my neck I felt like I was in heaven. I already know I'm gonna have a few hickies from the way she's working on me. "You're mine." She said against my neck and started sucking harshly on my pulse point. "Yours baby." I moaned out. I love this dominant side of her. She moved her kisses up my jaw and starting planting them along my jawline.

I couldn't take anymore and crashed our lips together. My lip may be bruised but Camila's worth the pain. Plus, it's not all that bad.

This was the most heated makeout session we've ever had and I love every minute of it and I'm still shocked Camila was the one to initiate it. Just as I asked for entrance Dinah busted threw the door. "CAMILA YOUR GI- oh shit." She spoke and stopped. Camila hid her face in my neck and I felt a rush of heat come from her cheeks and I knew for a fact she was blushing. "Did I interrupt something?" Dinah said smirking. "Dinah!" Camila groaned and I couldn't help but laugh at Camila's flustered state.

"Shut it Lauren." She said and bit down hard on my neck. "Ouch!" I yelped and now she was the one giggling. "Is my pain amusing to you?" I asked feigning hurt and she giggled even harder. Her laugh, being as infectious as it is, caused me to join in with her.

"When you two love birds are finished, I'll be waiting downstairs." Dinah said, smirk still present. She left the room and Camila let out a sigh.

"Oh my god that was so embarrassing." She said and lifted her head to face me. Her face was bright red, totally flustered. It was such a funny yet adorable sight. I started laughing again and she pouted. "I hate you." She whined. "No you don't, you love me." I teased.


"Yes." I grinned.


"Yes." I cheekily said.

Her resolve was breaking and I could tell she was about to give in. "Okay, maybe I do," she said with an adorable smile. "Maybe?" I asking and raised my eyebrows playfully. "Okay, yes I do." She said. "You what?" I questioned teasingly. "I love you." She spoke and I couldn't contain the face eating grin that made its way onto my face. I love hearing her say that. "I love you too." I grabbed her face and connected our lips in a sweet kiss. "We should really go downstairs now, before Dinah thinks we're having sex." I spoke breaking the kiss and Camila turned another shade of red. I chuckled and kissed her cheek.

Camila's POV

We made it downstairs to a still smirking Dinah. I grabbed Lauren's hand and we sat together on the couch. "Damn Lauren!" Dinah said pointing at Lauren's neck. "Didn't know you had that in you Chancho." She spoke and burst out laughing. I looked at Lauren's neck and gasped. There were large purplish marks all over. I really went to town. "Sorry." I whispered into her ear. "Don't be." She said stroking the back of my hand. "It's hot that you marked me as yours." She smirked. I felt a faint blush rise on my cheeks.

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