Chapter 29

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Lauren's POV

It's been a month since I've seen my baby and today I finally get to see her. We've Skyped, FaceTimed and texted these last couple of weeks but it's nothing compared to having her in my arms.

I guess it's pretty pathetic how much I missed her over these last few weeks but I can't help it, she's the love of my life.

My plane had just landed and I texted Dinah to bring Camila to the airport but to not tell her where she was going so it would be a surprise. She doesn't know I'm coming today and I can't wait to see her.

Camila's POV

"Dinah you better not be planning to murder me!" I said as she placed the blind fold over my eyes. "Hush Chancho." She shushes me and I pout.

She lead me to her car and I hopped in. I wonder where she's taking me. I'm kind of scared actually. The car lasts about half an hour before I feel her engine stop. "Can I take this off now?" I ask pointing to the blind fold.

"No! Just wait Mila." Ugh I'm so impatient. She gets out of the car and comes to my side opening the door for me.

We get out and she guides me into the place. I can tell it's busy with all the noise and shouting. I hear a couple camera's click.

She waits 5 minutes before she takes my blind fold off. "About time!" I say happily. I scan my surrounds to see where we are. People were caring luggage and there were airplanes. We were at the airport. "Why are w-" I stop mid-sentence when I see a certain green eyed popstar walking towards me with a huge smile on her face.

I take off running and jump into her arms, wrapping my legs around her waist and arms tightly around her neck.

"Baby!" She breathed out. "I missed you." I removed my head from her neck and grabbed her chin and connected our lips.

Our lips moved slowly in sync and I couldn't help the butterflies fluttering around in my stomach at the feeling of her soft plump lips on mine. I've missed these lips so much. I've missed her so much. I press my lips against hers hard. It's been so long since I've felt them on mine. She flicks her tongue across my bottom lip and slips her tongue easily in my mouth. She moans lightly when our tongues brush.

I break the kiss and peck her lips then look into her amazing green eyes. "I've missed you so much." I said stroking her cheek. "I missed you too." She replied.

"You're still wearing the necklace I gave you." She beams, grabbing the piece of jewelry in her hand. "Yeah, I never take it off." I smile and so does she.

She gently set me down and interlaced our fingers. She brought our linked hands up to her lips and gave the back of my hand a gentle kiss.

I smile at her affection. "Thanks DJ." She said to Dinah, who in return nodded her head. "This was your idea?" I asked a small smile playing at my lips. "Yeah, I wanted to surprise you." She said leaning in giving my cheek a light kiss.

"Well it was a great surprise." I said getting on my tippy toes and kissing her nose. She scrunched up her nose making me giggle. "You're so cute!" I cooed. A light pink color rose to her cheeks. "I find you cuter." She said and now I was the one blushing.

We headed out of the airport and Dinah dropped us off at Lauren's house.


Lauren's POV

"Parents! Siblings! I'm home!" I yelled through the house. "Shut up!" I heard Chris groan from the living room. "Well someone's happy to see me." I said sarcastically entering the living room where my brother was and ruffled his hair. "Ew, get off! You're messing up the chick magnet." He said pushing me away from him. I let out a loud laugh. "Chick magnet? Yeah right!" He glared at me and Camila hit my shoulder. "Be nice." She whispered.

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