Chapter 32

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Camila's POV

I shifted uncomfortably under my parents gazes. "Why is he back?" I asked which came out a little harsher than intended. "Well Karla, I just needed to be with my family again," I scoffed. "I don't know why I left in the first place. I guess I just need some time away." Who the fuck takes 4 years away from their family? And for no good reason. "Bullshit." I muttered. "Don't speak to your father in that tone Camila." My mother warned. I rolled my eyes. "It's okay Sinu, she just needs time." He said and kissed her. I cringed at their little display of affection it used to make me happy but now I want to throw up.

How could my mother take him back so easily? She doesn't know he hit me and I don't plan on telling her. "Why now?" I asked and he shrugged. "I missed you mija." He said and walked over to give me a hug. I, of course, did not hug him back. "Come on mija, don't be like." He whispered into my ear. I got out of his embrace and ran to my room upstairs. "Camila!" I heard my mother yell but I just ignored her.

To- Planet Green Eyes💕💍: he's back lauren, my dad is back and it looks like he's staying

I texted Lauren.

From- Planet Green Eyes💕💍: Are you okay? If he touches you in anyway, let me know or call the police. I will not hesitate to come over there and beat his ass. Make sure you lock your door, okay? I love you baby.

To- Planet Green Eyes💕💍: im fine, i love you too.

Instead of going to my room I went to Sofi's. She was peacefully sleeping in her bed. I crept in, closed her door and locked it. "Hey Sof," I whispered. "Kaki?" She mumbled, her voice laced with sleep. "Can I sleep with you?" I asked and she gladly scooted over. "I needed someone to cuddle with," I said as I got into her bed. She instantly laid her head on my chest and I wrapped an around her. "I love you Kaki." Sofi said snuggling into me, making my heart swell. "I love you too baby girl."

I fell asleep with little butterfly queen number one in my arms.


"Come on Kaki! Lauren is about to perform!" Sofi yelled from the living room. I darted in there so fast I felt like Usian Bolt, I can't miss my favorite girl performing.

"Hello Lauren, it's good to have you back." The host said. Lauren smiled, "It's good to be back." She looked incredibly good in her high heels and red dress. I was swooning. "Okay so about 7 months ago, you performed here and you mentioned you had a crush on someone." I saw Lauren blush, she's so cute. "Yeah, and I finally got her. I'm honestly so happy." She beamed. I couldn't help the huge smile that spread across my face. "Aw she's talking about you Mila." Sofi said, I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"What will you be performing?" He asked Lauren. "Sugar, it's a song I wrote a little while ago." She said excitedly. "Okay, take it away Lauren!"

She walked up to stage are and began singing.

"I'm hurting, baby, I'm broken down
I need your loving, loving
I need it now
When I'm without you
I'm something weak
You got me begging, begging
I'm on my knees"

I haven't heard this song before and it's so freaking good.

"I don't wanna be needing your love
I just wanna be deep in your love
And it's killing me when you're away, ooh, baby,
'Cause I really don't care where you are
I just wanna be there where you are
And I gotta get one little taste"

Everyone is up and out of their seats dancing. Lauren's stage presence is unbelievable.

Yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me?
I'm right here, 'cause I need
Little love and little sympathy
Yeah, you show me good loving
Make it alright
Need a little sweetness in my life
Yes, please
Won't you come and put it down on me?"

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