Chapter 63

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Lauren's POV

"Baby," I giggled, feeling Camila's soft, luscious, lips on my cheek. We had an eventful night I must say, I've never came so much in my life. God, that girl is really skillful with her tongue and fingers.

"Get up Lolo," she whispered, peppering kisses along my jawline. I groaned but turned around nonetheless so that she was straddling me.

She was wearing a pair of my sweatpants and one of my sweaters. She really loves wearing my clothes.

"Good morning, baby." I said wiping my eyes.

Camila chuckled, I quirked an eyebrow. "What's funny?" She shook her head.

"It's 2 in the afternoon babe." I looked over at the clock. It was in fact 2 pm. I slept in all morning?

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked, pulling the sheet further up my naked body.

"You just looked so cute sleeping, and you seemed tired. I noticed the bags under your eyes and thought you could use the rest." I smiled at how sweet and caring she was.

"You did kinda tire me out last night." I joked which earned a playful hit from Camila. "I'm just joking, but you actually did, plus, the tour has been taking so much out of me." I sighed as she grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together.

"Today's my last free day before I have another show." She nodded, moving a strand of hair out of my face.

Don't get me wrong, I love performing and meeting new people and fans. It's a thrill but it can be so tiring and get stressful. I know it's what I signed up for when I started performing but still, it's hard.

"I want to go out with you and take you on a cute date around here but I'm just tired." I frowned, feeling guilty.

"But I don't care, I'm taking you out later." I smiled, kissing the back of her hand.

"No babe, you need to rest." I shook my head, I don't care if I'm feeling like shit, I'm taking her out.

"No, it's fine. I'm taking you out." She sighed, knowing I'd win this argument.

"Fine, but I want you to rest until then." I nodded as she leaned down to kiss me. I closed my eyes, expecting to have her lips on mine, when they weren't I opened my eyes.

"Afternoon breath." She scrunched up her nose, kissing my cheek, causing me to giggle.

"That hasn't stopped you before." I laughed, remembering countless times where'd she'd kiss me as soon as I'd wake up.

"Whatever," she giggled, moving off of me so that I could sit up. "Come on Camz," I pouted, trying to be as adorable as possible. She rolled her eyes at me.

"Not until you brush your teeth loser," I laughed as I got up from the bed, "Alright buttface," I countered, throwing on a t-shirt and pair of blue-green boxers before going into the bathroom.

I grabbed my tooth brush and quickly brushed my teeth. Once I finished I flashed a smile at the mirror along with a thumbs up.

I ran out of the bathroom and jumped into the bed onto Camila, my girlfriend, yes, my girlfriend. It feels amazing to call her that again.

She sat cris-crossed apple sauce as I laid my head into her lap. "Where's mah smooches." I pouted, poking my lips out and pointing to them.

She giggled and leaned down, ghosting her lips over mine. "I'm in love with a dork." She finally closed the distance between us, connecting our lips in a sweet kiss.

I prodded my tongue across her top lip, asking for entrance in which she allowed. I expertly probed my tongue around her mouth, brushing hers gently causing her to moan.

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