Chapter 37

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Camila's POV

I looked around the restaurant and it's extremely fancy, too fancy for me, but I'm not complaining since Lauren wanted to bring me here. She looks so beautiful tonight, she's beautiful all the time really. I was definitely swooning.

I grabbed her hand and interlocked our fingers from across the table. "God, you're so beautiful Lauren," I said starring in to those emerald eyes that I love so much. She's honestly the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and I'm not just saying that. Her beauty is effortless, she's flawless in my eyes. I've never met someone so perfect. She might think she's not but I do. She literally takes my breath away.

"You're one to talk, babe. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on." Now I was the one blushing. "How'd I ever get so lucky? I whispered, only meant for my ears. "I ask myself that every day," she whispered back, stroking my hand lightly.

We continued to eat our dinner and talk. We talked about everything and nothing. That's what I love about Lauren and I, we can go from something completely serious to something hilarious and gut wrenching.

"No, Lauren, the dress was obviously white and gold!" She gave me an incredulous look. "Trust me Camz, the dress was definitely black and blue," she argued. "You're blind!" I chuckled.

"I'm not, more people see white and gold! It's not just me." I pointed out. She rolled her eyes, I could tell she was getting irritated with me and it's such a funny sight. "If I'm breathing, the dress was black and blue." I just laughed at her, she still thinks the dress was black and blue wow. It was definitely white and gold. "Whatever," I scoffed.

Lauren's POV

How the hell could she see white and gold? The dress was clearly black and blue. Why am I even dating her? Oh right, she has a nice ass. I'm just kidding, she's absolutely sweet and kind and caring and has a heart of pure gold. She also brings a smile to my face and makes me extremely happy.

"Camz," I called and patted my lap. She got up from her seat and sat down. One of her arms was wrapped around my shoulder and the other was joined with my hand laced in her lap.

"Camila, we've been dating for 5 months and these 5 months have been the happiest of my life and it's all because of you. You make me smile like no one can, you make my heart beat out of my chest and every touch from you sets my whole body on fire," I confessed, her eyes were starting to brim with tears.

"The first time I looked into your chocolate brown eyes, I instantly fell in love. They poured into my soul and I knew it was love at first sight but when you smiled..... wow that smile..... I was hooked. I wanted to make you smile all the time. I was addicted to your smile, it's like my own personal drug. Everytime you smiled it caused my heart to jump up and down."

"And you have no clue how nervous I was around you," I laughed. She was looking at me with those adorable brown eyes that made my heart melt as I poured said heart out to her. "I still am, I can't help it but it's died down a little since the first time we met." I smiled up at her beautiful face. She lightly chuckled.

"You cause so many butterflies in my stomach it's insane that it hasn't burst yet." I chuckled and kissed her chin and wiped a stray tear that rolled down her cheek. "I'm always in aw at your beauty. I don't know anyone that can still look flawless without make up on and wear sweats and old baggy shirts other than you. Your beauty is impeccable, inside and out."

"Everytime you touch me or kiss me or even look at me my hearts starts beating erratically," I took her hand and placed it over my heart, letting her feel the effect she has on me, "do you feel that? That's all because of you." I said.

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