Chapter 2

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I rush home and all that's on my mind is Lauren's concert. I hug my mom and kiss my little sister Sofi on the cheek. I head upstairs so fast you could literally call me flash. I grab my laptop that's on my night stand and look up tickets for Lauren's concert.

Fuck! All these tickets are expensive as hell. Come on Camila, don't let these ticket prices get in the way of you meeting Lauren. I think it's time to go beg my mom.

I began to walk downstairs and as I'm walking I'm trying to think of something really excellent that'll allow my mom to let me go to Lauren Jauregui's concert. "Mami?" I call out. "I'm in the kitchen mija."

She's in the kitchen, you can do this Camila. "Mami, I was wondering if I could go to Lauren Jauregui's concert." Please say yes, please say yes. "Mija." She says with a sad expression on her face and I now know this isn't going to end well. "Mami please, I never ask you for anything, I make good grades and I don't get in trouble at school. Please mami, let me go." Her expression remains the same. It's taking everything within me not to burst into tears right now. I have to meet Lauren. I have to tell her how much she means to me and how much she's changed my life. I just have to. " I'm sorry mija, I just don't have the money right now." As soon as she said that I let the tears fall. This is all I ever wanted, a chance to meet Lauren but looks like that won't be happening. "Oh baby, I'm sorry," She pulls me in her arms for a warm embrace. I fall into her embrace and sob into her shoulder. "Things have been really hard since your your dad...." She trailed of knowing she would get too emotional and break down. "I know mom, I know. I shouldn't have asked anyway." She lifts my face up with her hands and wipes away my tears. I give her a weak smile and she kisses my forehead. She kisses my temple. "Next time mija."

I sigh and head to my room. Why can't anything good happen to me. Everything is such a disappointment, maybe I'm a disappointment. That's probably why my dad left us, he realized I wasn't worth loving anymore and that I was an epic fuck up. I tuck myself into bed and slowly drift off to sleep.

I feel a heavy body on me. "Ahdhghhhglsawfyyjmcyr" I'm pretty sure that was supposed to be get off of me but came out as a jangled mess. "GET UP MILA" I know that loud ass mouth anywhere. "DJ stop!" I yell at her. "Get off of me." I really wish she would get off of me, she's already killing my back. "Chancho if you don't get your ass up right now I'm getting the water." She threatens me but I just roll my eyes because I know she won't do anything. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Everything suddenly goes quite and I'm beginning to become worried. I call her name out, "DJ?" Silence. "Dinah?" Still no reply. Okay, I think it's time to get up. I lift myself from the bed just as Dinah enters my room with a bucket of water. "I'm up DJ! I'm up." She smirks at me. "I knew you'd get up." I glare at her. There was seriously no need for the water. "You could have just threatened me with food!" I tell her and she laughs.  "Come on now, get ready for school or else we'll be late." I pick out my outfit to which I decide to wear my  black pizza crop, some high waisted shorts and my black converse. I apply light make-up and to top it all off I add my black bow. "Alright Cheechee let's go."

"Lauren Jauregui is performing at Marko Stadium and I can't go." Just saying it out loud makes my heart ache. All I want is to go and watch Lauren perform. And not being able to do that when she's here, IN Miami is making my insides burn with sadness. "Mila, I know this hurts, but there'll be another time she's here. You can just..." I cut her off. "No Dinah, you don't understand! I HAVE TO SEE HER." I don't even notice the tears falling down my face being so caught up in the moment. Dinah looks at me with a saddened expression. She knows that this isn't just about not seeing Lauren but I don't tell her anything. She knows me inside and out. She stops the car to wipe away my tears and kiss my temple. "It's okay Mila, It's okay." That's all she says before the she starts the car back up. The rest of the way to school is silent, a comfortable silence with music from the car stereo playing in the background.

We get to school and I head to my locker and before Dinah heads to hers she gives me a reassuring hug silently saying that everything will be okay. I walk up to it and see the words "Fagbello is a skanky whore!" written across it with black spray paint. My first instincts is to try and wipe the harsh words off so that's what I'm doing. As I'm trying to wipe them off, Kylie, Jordan and Maddie walk up to me push me extremely hard into the lockers. "Look who it is, Fagbello!" she spits that insulting name at me that makes me flinch. "Like our artwork?" She questions while looking at the locker. "I would hardly call that artwork." Shit. Did I just say that out loud? I apparently did because Kylie cocks her head at me. "What did you say Fagbello?" I hear Kylie mutter. Before I can even say anything I feel Kylie's hand across my face which gets the attention of everyone. I feel a sting along with hot tears streaming down my face. I see Dinah coming towards me, before she reaches me I'm running. I don't know where to but I'm running, I have to get out of here. I can hear Dinah's faint calls and the students laughter from behind them but I ignore them. 

I head to the one place where I can let everything go.

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